Selvin Young aiming for 2,000 yards

"In Little League, I was the MVP, but I couldn't get a ride to pick up the trophy. So they gave it to someone else."

that's funny and sad at the same time
I hope he stays healthy enough to get close to that. He a refreshing change of attitude and work ethic than Cedric, who has been a huge dissapointment
That's usually the kiss of death for RB's. I remember there being a list of RB's who stated that, and then the type of years they had, and they were all bad/marred by Stephen Jackson from last year.

There's the Longhorn part of me that wants him to achieve it, but there's the Fantasy Football part of me that wants him to fail miserably b/c one of the guys in my league has him as his keeper. Ahh...the beauty of fantasy football.
In my little league, if you win the MVP, we'll give you a ride to accept the trophy. Hell, we'll parade the damn thing to your front door. All of us.

That said, if he runs 1000, I'll be shocked.

Watch your pad level and stay healthy, Selvin.


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