Second 'house of horrors' abortion clinic in Texas

Horrible evil

was this covered here in USA? I did not see anything on it in the Dallas paper/
I searched for this on Bing and did not find coverage from any MSM
and in first 2 pages found ONLY a brief story by the chronicle in may on the abortionist
, that he was accused of illegal abortions but there was no evidence to back that up.
The Houston story did not list anything from his workers and I can't find a follow up

We need the poster who thinks a baby has NO RIGHT to be in a womb if the mother did not invite it. maybe that poster can explain how it is ok to twist off a baby's head.
The vast majority of pro-choice advocates would support criminalizing behavior as described in the article.

It is odd, thought, that the story appears in the British press before the US press. Other than this quick blurb, I can't find anything in the mainstream US media about this.
Aren't most 3rd trimester abortions already outlawed? I don't have any issue with restricting those. I agree that the behavior of this doctor, if verified, would be considered criminal.
Article from May and makes allegations from 2011...seems that if they had any real traction then there would have been discussion during the regular Session.
it looks like the investigation is still underway BUT the nature of the allegations coming so soon after Gosnell males the lack of coverage on this puzzling and sad.

The 3 former employees have posted photos of what they saw while working there.
if these photos are from that clinic it tears your heart out to see and then you want to ear the Docs heart out

I'd post the link but the photos are really disturbing and if they weren't from the Houston clinic they are from some abortion clinic
just an example I guess of something that was not invited to be in a woman's womb.

edit to add a link that covers more on this Dr including that he was cited for raw sewage ending up in a auto dealership next door. raw sewage with ' little legs"The Link
The media just didn't have time to report on this. They would have had to taken people away from reporting on the Trayvon Martin case.

This is just another example of the liberal media spoon feeding us what they want us to focus on and ignoring all the rest.

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