Sebastien De La Cruz and Twitter


500+ Posts
I assume everyone knows about this story...if is a quick read Mariachi

I am NOT posting to either praise Sebastien or bash his critics.

I do not use Twitter, so please forgive some possible ignorance here.

Is this a case where very few people actually tweeted criticisms but the media ran with it anyway? Or, were there really a significant number of critical tweets making the story more significant?
This represents what I think of America when mentioning "melting pot". You bring unique characteristics of a culture into something that is greater and stronger than your singular culture. Life would be pretty boring if we didn't have all the cultural influences of dozens of nationalities in this country.

And Eva Longoria can shove it, she has proven nothing but a card carrying La Raza progressive. She doesn't give two shits about America, only what her race deserves from this country.
Not a coincidence that this is being brought up as the immigration debate is about to start. Just preparing the population to think amnesty opponents are racists.
Think this is bad? Imagine if the kid was named Mohammed and sang the anthem dressed in traditional Islamic attire.

People would have **** their pants even though he would be no less American than Sebastien.
Twitter outrage campaigns see to be the latest way to garner sympathy for a particular viewpoint and make opponents look like asses. It's obviously targeted to people who know very little to nothing about the service. Anyone familiar with twitter knows its the most troll rich environment on the interwebs. The left and the right use this tactic knowing full well even the most well spoken opinion thats slightly controversial from a public figure on twitter will be met with vitriol ranging from wishes of death to any and all racial and sexual epithets that can even remotely be applied to the person.

Stacy dash was wished death and called every name in the book simply for not supporting the black guy in the last presidential race. She got death wishes, called a "c" a "b" and an uncle tom. Right wingers re posted the most horrible of the tweets to score cheap political points.

Simply stated, if you're on twitter you better have a thick skin. Its part facebook, part CB radio. You wont get kicked off, at the worst you'll be blocked from commenting on the twitter feeds that you troll.
Nice job Spurs for bringing him back just to spite the idiots! This kid sang the National Anthem better than most of the music idols that sing it these days, but even though he was born and raised here he has been criticized.

By the way, he flashed the hook 'em sign at the end of his performance last night!

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