'Scoreboard' Finals


500+ Posts
Aggy would have loved for their Big 12 Farewell Tour of TEXAS to
be something they could hang their hat on. Alas, they can only
hang their heads.
Football..... check
Basketball...... check
Baseball......... check

Secondary sports have been mixed, but the ones that most of us
follow show the Horns winning that last game. Forever enshrined
in the record books, aggy goes down in defeat as they tuck tail
and run from Texas. Sweet memories.

Bye, bye, losers. Don't let the door.... and all that.
I'm glad we won the third game, but losing the series to them is not our standard.

I will say that there is some satisfaction in having the victory come in the ninth inning so similar to our fourth quarter gut kick to them in football.

Didn't they start the year ranked higher than us in the three major sports?
I concede that they won the series. However, recent records, overall records, etc.
has never meant much to aggy. They ignore overall records in virtually every sport
and want to glom onto whatever recent victory they have as proof of their
superiority. If you want to talk football, they go back only as far as the cheating
Sherrill years and somehow make that the starting point.
Anyway, yes, they won the series, but for Scoreboard Fanatical Aggy, they
I am glad as heck Texas won today but lets not get aggy, they won the series and I would trade wins on Friday and yesterday for a loss today in a heartbeat. Here is hoping the Horns get another shot at them in the Big XII tourny.
The way I thought of it was we beat them in the last scheduled regular season game (for a while) in dramatic fashion as we did in football. It did hurt to lose the series so it was with mixed emotions. I am just going to enjoy it... until the next game.
For those not aware, UT has an Ultimate Frisbee team (my daughter is on it), and they won this weekend to advance to the National Championship series.

And, are your ready for it, they beat a&m today to get there.

I was at the baseball game today, and the win and they way it happened is one of the best times I have had at the Disch.

This is probably all I will ever remember about this season, and it is enough I think.
In a baseball season, in the Bigs, I'm never attached to winning regular season series. They come, they go. Your place or theirs. Sweeps are not welcome, but then it's either 1-2 or 2-1, and I never have any emotions one way or another. It all starts after the season is over.

For me the only thing worth hanging your hat on was winning the last at-bat, the last pitch thrown, the last inning played, the last time ever played. Period.

It's the whole idea of walking off a winner at the very end of it, and them walking off a loser. Because all the games played, won or lost, since the very beginning, don't mean as much as the feeling that will last forever of the last hour of the last day of a game played, right down to the end. And that's how it ended today.

Aggie as it is in coming away with "only" one of three in a 3-game baseball series, the other team does have to ride a bus back to College Station losing on the last pitch, last ground ball, last throw, last inning, last game. In the record books, that's what will stand. And for it to end at home plate on a missed tag to allow the winning run home... man, that's right up there with kicking the winning FG on the last play of the game.

Texas won the last regular season college baseball game between the two programs. And basketball. And football.

Over. Done. Fini.
And Softball.
And Womens Tennis.
And Womens Golf.

It's been a weekend worthy of my finest Ayinger Brau Weiss!


If we had won 2 of 3 and lost the last one at home I would have felt like poopoo.

If we had won 2 of 3 and I was at aggie to watch us lose the last one I would have felt like all the purple people did on Sunday


Don't let the door hit you in the ***

AggieEric personifies (or sheepifies) the total lack of comprehension on the part of aggy everywhere about where we find humor in life; typical of a school that focuses more on the tradition of squeezing your privates than in winning more than losing.

I'll wait to see how long it takes AggieEric to reply with some statistics based on a self-supporting timeframe.
Erica has several time frames with which to work. First, without going back
to when they won their first/last football national championship in '39 vs.
some Catholic prep school, he will jump past the Crow Heisman years and
tell us that during that time they didn't allow girls and all the boyz were
toy soldiers so it "just wasn't fair". Then the giant leap to the Sherrill
Fedex years, where Erica and the other boyz cheered and grabbed their
privates until the NCAA slapped them down, thereby stopping a longtime
tradition of Texas vs. anm being televised on Thanksgiving. That brought
shame to the state but aggy knows no shame. Business as usual.
Taking the Great Leap Forward from there, we arrive today, happily
watching aggy turn tail and run (frying pan into the fire comes to mind) to
a backwater part of the country that will welcome them until they, too,
see what retarded weirdos we have waved goodbye to. Bye aggy.
Bye Erica.
Congrats to tamu on winning a tough 3-game series. Aggy played well.

I have never really understood the 'scoreboard' deal, but i understand logic. Once can profess to care about the most recent contest only. Or, one can profess to care about the overall record. Either view is tenable. One cannot arbitrarily draw a line and say "consider contests that took place between this date and this date. Ignore all others."

That is the conduct of carping losers and churlish jerks, not sportsmen.

Perhaps the aggy will win the B12 baseball tournament and depart as conference champs. The team is good enough to pull it off. That would be impresssive. But, until then,

Texas won the final contest in Football, Basketball, and Baseball. I believe Texas holds the all-time series advantage in all three sports. I don't see how the maroons have much to crow about.
Re: winning game three after losing the series

So we should have conceded game three and given them the sweep? Some of us take pleasure in winning the regular season parting shot; and also in avoiding a sweep. If you don't that's your perogative; if we do, that's ours. I understand from relatives at the game that it was a real high for those in attendance, and I see no reason to deny any baseball fan that feeling.
At this point, I'm just glad we didn't get swept. Although we could have won game 1, we were 1 inning away in game 3 from being swept. Maybe this will be the spark the team needs for the rest of the year.
I know this is a baseball thread but let's not forget our lady v ballers crushed the Aggies in Reed Arena the night before JT's kick.

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