School = Zoo (or Prison or Asylum)

My daughter went through the Katy public schools, but her two younger brothers were home-schooled. The older one (22 now) we pulled out halfway through first grade, and his brother (21 now) never enrolled. Public schools can be a very f-ed up environment any more, some better than others, of course. Our kids deserve better.

"Mesquite ISD substitute teacher indicted, accused of leading a fight club in classroom"

Well to her defense, sitting down, behaving, learning, and making good grades is white supremacy. They are just throwing off the shackles of the white man's tyranny.
Well to her defense, sitting down, behaving, learning, and making good grades is white supremacy. They are just throwing off the shackles of the white man's tyranny.

[a history class somewhere in the USA]
'Today, class, we're going to re-enact the Mau Mau uprising in Kenya.'
How about we put all the violent kids in a special 1st period football class (not the real football team), and let them (legally) batter each other in football at the start of the day to get a lot of that aggression out before they go to class.

30 minutes straight of the Oklahoma drill. Windsprints at the end to get some more excess energy out of them.

The POS thug not only knocked/threw her down hard, he also got above her and started punching her once she was already out. She looks like about 115 lbs (a tall, thin woman). State prison is the only logical place for this punk to reside--and for a long time.

Sad thing is the "but...severe autism" hug-a-thug types in that thread. They sit on juries...
It's always funny when people of the left ask a question they think invites a profound answer when the answer is something that has been obvious to sane people for years.

And now the smallish % of animalistic students are coming after the Jewish teachers. This is f-ed up on multiple levels. They should teach the history of the Holocaust and WWII more.

Jewish teacher in Queens terrorized by high school students who storm halls · American Wire News

“It went from a teacher just changing a photograph on her social profile to this contagion of hate being released in the halls of Hillcrest High School,” he said. “It’s a sad commentary on the rancid hate that exists within the hearts of students — for Jews.”
Time to expel students. Let them see the impact of their stupidity on life going forward.

This, sadly, also shows why professional lives should not be intermingled with personal lives...if the teacher didn't have FB then this like never becomes a thing...not to say the thugs wouldn't have found something else to terrorize staff over.
Time to expel students. Let them see the impact of their stupidity on life going forward.

if it were only that easy. Thanks to no child left behind, they can rarely be taken out of a classroom for more than a few minutes much less expelled.