SC Justice Gone Wild


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Is John Roberts the next Earl Warren? Warren was the 1948 Republican VP candidate who became a much more liberal SC justice than anybody ever forsaw. Eisenhower later said that appointing Warren was his "biggest damn fool mistake”.

Roberts had a conservative voting record up until this week, when he delivered a devastating one-two punch to conservatives on immigration and health care. Why did he do it?

I've heard alot of opinions since yesterday. Charles Krauthammer said "Roberts' concern was that the court do everything it could to avoid being seen, rightly or wrongly, as high-handedly overturning sweeping legislation passed by both houses of Congress and signed by the president."

Here's Krauthammer's oped:

The Link
Roberts has been conservative and in some ways we was on this ruling too although his hands off ruling on the tax situation seemed like a cowardly move to me.

I think Roberts is human and I also think he saw his legacy tied to this landmark decision. That probably influenced his decision to be "enlightened".
Not sure I agree that the AZ decision wasn't actually a win for conservatives. The pivotal provision in the 1070 was affirmed.

As to the ACA decision, I'm having hard time getting my head around his reasoning. However, there's no denying that his decision has actually placed the future of ACA firmly in the hands of the electorate. We will decide if we want this bill in its current form. One could argue that this is really where it belongs.
I hope to God we don't have Supreme Court justices - on either side - ruling based on their "legacy". That's worse than just misinterpreting the Constitution in the first place.

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