Russell Shepherd 9/26

Name Comp Att Pct Yds TD INT
Russell Shepard 8 20 40 169 2 0

Name Att Yds Yds/Att TD
Russell Shepard 30 257 8.57 3

Name Rec Yds Yds/Catch TD
Arick Jones 1 99 99 1

Completed 8 passes, 2 for TDs and one for 99 yard TD but only 40% completion rate.
RS is an elite athlete and a good passer. GG is a good athlete and an elite passer.

I know one of them will be a great college QB and is already D-I ready. The other has the potential to be a great college QB but still needs some improvement in the passing game (though it has improved for sure). As a QB prospect, GG is the safer pick.
Did you guys notice this in the box score for receiving for Cy Ridge?

Arick Jones 1 99 99 0 1

Gotta love that average per reception!

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