Agree it has nothing to do with free speech per The Constitution; however, it is alarming that an individual (Rush, Maher, Maddow, O'Reilly, etc...) can be shut down by a group that is not part of the listening audience.
In other words, let's say Rush came out and used the N word. If 70% of his listeners tuned out and he lost sponsorship - so be it. However, if someone says something that the "other side" doesn't like, I shudder to think that they can organize via a slanted media campaign and shut down his show.
Before, I get jumped on about how the free market works, I understand that what happened was perfectly legal and within the rights of those that went after Rush's program. I just don't think it's right and it's a very dangerous slippery slope. Also, I know the use of the word "slut" is just as offensive as the N word to some but that's my point. Anyone can claim offense whether they are or not if it is politically expedient.
Personally, I don't listen to Rush and I damn sure don't listen to Maher. I make a personal decision to not listen to them but I don't want groups of strangers to be able to dictate what I can and cannot listen to.