Rush Limbaugh - Told ya so

I'm not a Rush fan, but I knew he wasn't going anywhere. He's far too big of a player, and he's far too good at what he does. The guy took a dying medium (AM radio) and turned it into a megabusiness that he has dominated for 20+ years. Say what you will about him, but he has a tremendous talent.

He isn't going away because of one stupid comment. His ratings will go up and down (though he probably benefited from the Fluke comment in the long run), but he will always have a following large enough to support his show and even large enough to support his drug habit.
free speech wins

no one has a problem with an individual choosing not to support a product because you disagree, but these huge concerted organized AstroTurf efforts to intimidate sponsors is anti first amendment. As we covered ad nauseam in previous threads it was all faux outrage. THey were simply trying so silence someone in which they disagree.
Use of the word "silence" and "Rush Limbaugh" in the same sentence gave my brain the equivalent of a hamstring pull.
Agree it has nothing to do with free speech per The Constitution; however, it is alarming that an individual (Rush, Maher, Maddow, O'Reilly, etc...) can be shut down by a group that is not part of the listening audience.

In other words, let's say Rush came out and used the N word. If 70% of his listeners tuned out and he lost sponsorship - so be it. However, if someone says something that the "other side" doesn't like, I shudder to think that they can organize via a slanted media campaign and shut down his show.

Before, I get jumped on about how the free market works, I understand that what happened was perfectly legal and within the rights of those that went after Rush's program. I just don't think it's right and it's a very dangerous slippery slope. Also, I know the use of the word "slut" is just as offensive as the N word to some but that's my point. Anyone can claim offense whether they are or not if it is politically expedient.

Personally, I don't listen to Rush and I damn sure don't listen to Maher. I make a personal decision to not listen to them but I don't want groups of strangers to be able to dictate what I can and cannot listen to.
HP, no one is guaranteed by the Constitution to have a radio show. The success of one is totally dependent on whether advertisers think they can make money by advertising on a particular program. Advertisers on Air America (or whatever is was called) did not believe that the # of listeners made it a good economic decision to continue to advertise, so the station was shuttered but not because the goverment or the media or anyone else said they should. They shut it down beause they could not finance it with advertising money and no one stepped up to underwrite it. If Rush had lost millions of listeners, the advertisers would have pulled their ads thus putting an end to the program.

The SC has been pretty clear in their rulings on this. Most of the time, your right to free speech exists, but you also have to suffer the consequenses of your speech. I can walk into work tomorrow and call my boss an SOB, but he can fire me and has the right to do so.
any of you Limbaugh asslickers support Maher when he made the famous "cowards" remark on "Politically Incorrect"? Any of you support Stern when he was being fined a shitload of money?

Limbaugh is an ******* and a hypocrite. (And a druggie, as was Jerry Garcia, as Fat Rushbo so gleefully pointed out). But he's free in this great country to say whatever he pleases without government interference. A lot of guys without *** boils are out there protecting his rights even as I type this.
Its funny, I saw a poll this week and I can't remember where. But, it said that Limbaugh was the most hated person in the media by Dems, Independents, and Republicans alike

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