Rush/Bain Capital/Bane/Stupidity


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So I'm not sure how many of you have read, or God help you, heard Rush's comment on TDKR's Bane villain. He's saying that Bane (the Batman villain) was a political statement from Christopher Nolan to paint Romney in a bad know because Bane, the Batman supervillain and Bain, as in Bain Capital, are pronounced the same. That's the gist. I'm not going to even try to go through the process of finding a link, because I don't feel like losing 2 mins of my life. I could care less that he's conservative, Rush is an idiot. I'm not the biggest comic book fan, but even I've heard of Bane from Batman well before Bain Capital was on the TV.

[Note: This paragraph has no major spoilers] However, I didn't realize his texags level stupidity until I actually saw the movie tonight. The villains in the movie, Bane and the League of Shadows anarchists, literally massacre people on Wall Street (The Gotham Stock Exchange), and then occupy it. Their evil plan revolves around weaponizing alternative energy and class warfare...pitting the wealthy and corporations, such as Bruce Wayne and Wayne Enterprises, against the poor working class inspired by Bane through the use of fear. This is not some political criticism by me against OWS or socialism, I understand it's 100% fictional entertainment, but simply a reporting of the actual screenplay. One throwaway charactered was executed for "getting rich off of the labor of the less powerful and poor." That's literally the words coming out of the Scarecrow's (in a cameo) mouth. Let's just say, TDKR and it's themes don't really have a Green Arrow flavor to them.

With regards to Rush, it's obvious he A) Didn't see the movie before making those idiotic comments, and that still magnifies his stupidity, or B) he actually saw the TDKR and somehow still thought this movie promoted left leaning politics. If it's B, I guessing he still doesn't even know how to tie his shoes.
I'll take C) knew exactly what he was about to say was complete ******** but said it anyway because it fit his agenda. He also knew his followers would buy it and be outraged without putting any thought into it.
Both parties have stupid elements to them. The GOP has theirs, but the Democratic Party certainly has its share of idiots as well.
Occassionally context and the platform matter. Rush is an ENTERTAINER interested in ratings and making money. I heard the comments on tape and he was basically laughing throughout the whole bit.

If SNL or Jon Stewart made a funny skit somehow using Bane and Romney, it could be pretty good.

Also heard thet Rush has had more feedback/exposure from this than he did with the comments he made on the Georgetown gal. That is GOOD for Rush's business which is why he does it.
Tu quoque
Literally, you too. This is an attempt to justify wrong action because someone else also does it. "My evidence may be invalid, but so is yours."

Top 20 Logical Fallacies

The link referenced above has the sort of information that we should be teaching our students. But of course that would be anathema to the fundamentalist element that's has so much influence in the Texas GOP.

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