Rugby in Austin?


250+ Posts
Is there a rugby league in Austin that would be suitable for a fat and slow, 35 year old who has never played but wants to try?
Go hang out at Nasty's off Guadalupe on Maiden Lane. That's the "rugby bar" every night except for Monday's if they still have hip-hop night. The owner's name is Jack, and he's on the Austin Huns club.
I'd be interested, too. I tried finding a rugby league for slow out of shape guys that just wanted to learn the game, and all I could find were teams full of gay guys who just wanted to pile on eachother.
Well misha, these guys are the real deal. Dudes with missing teeth, assorted broken bones, the whole nine yards! The only gay people you might encounter would be on their womens' club, the Valkries.
I think the Huns are only looking for guys who are kind of interested in learning if you run about 6'2", 225#, and about 20 years old.
I practiced with the UT club team for 3-4 weeks my freshman year. I decided I wasn't cut out for it when one of the guys got a compound fracture in practice.

I also hadn't honed my drinking skills back then, so I was lost in more ways than one.
I used to hang out with some SWT Rugby dudes back in the early 90's. Anybody know if any of those guys are still around central TX. Those were some awesome parties!