The Tea Party types have really stepped in it this time. When the Wall Street Journal pans Republicans, you know they screwed up big.
People who refuse to compromise should not be in Congress, because our system of government mandates compromise to achieve anything.
The Democrats and the President compromised on this budget plan, adding the Republican requested pipeline bill to the budget, which they did not want to do, and it should not be in there, it should be voted on separately for its own merits. Then the bill passed overwhelmingly as a bi-partisan compromise in the Senate, having included what Republicans asked.
So then the House Tea Partiers shaft the deal, move the goalposts back once again, and refuse to vote on the bill.
They are getting blasted by their own party, the Wall Street Journal, Karl Rove, it's coming from all directions.
I'm enjoying every minute of it, and I hope they go down swinging by refusing to pass the bill. They will pay in November.
I'm fairly certain they will have to bite the bullet and re-convene to pass the two-month budget and middle-class tax cut extention, though. They couldn't continue to be that stupid, could they?