round two of out of town legal/bbq trips


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So a few weeks ago, I got stuck going all the way from temple to ******* llano. the entire trip went orgasmic when I remembered that "that cooper's place hornfans talks about" was there.

no need to rehash that greatness.

well, today I was in taylor, pissed off and such, when I overhear the name "Louis Muellers".

I wet my pants a .little, sit through a farce of a plea negotiation, only to haul *** out to the car and punch up Mueller's on my nav. 20 minutes later, i was in heaven.

their brisket KILLS all other brisket. ribs very good, with the slight edge still going to Coopers in my opinion.

in my dream world, I would get cooper's ribs and mueller's brisket.

the sauce is a toss up. they're very different, and by the way 100% unnecessary.
I grew up in that **** hole of a town - and boy does it ever suck. You are right about Muellers killing in the brisket department - and if you like beef ribs you should try theirs (mmmmmmm!).

Funny story - I worked at the BBQ place next door (red building right across the parking lot) for several year in high school. Our BBQ was good when you cooked it for yourself the way you liked it, but the stuff we mass produced was average at best. One day I was really craving some beef ribs (we didn't have them) so I walked my happy *** on over there (grant it I knew everyone working there - John included) in my red BBQ apron and ordered some. They both laughed out loud and told me that this should be a commercial.

I didn't think much of it and went back to work to enjoy my lunch. After work when I left I got laughed at by several people who watched the incident and thought it was the funniest **** they had seen in a long time.

My boss didn't think it was funny, but when I told him that we needed to start carrying beef ribs he backed down.

btw, there potatoe salad is my favorite of all time (but I am wierd like that because a lot of people I know don't like it at all).
Muellers is one of the very best. Very good call. Luckily I have a property inspection tomorrow on a construction defect case in Marble Falls. Its at 1. My law partner and I decided we'd wait all day to eat and and then spend the rest of the afternoon at Opie's when its over. Might have to consider making the trip on out to Llano for some Cooper's, though.
Do yourself a favor and don't eat any more ribs until you go to the Country Tavern in Kilgore. They are the Vince Young of ribs.
Man that is some goaty goat at Cooper's. Had some of all the meats though. Sirloin and brisket rocked. Kind of disappointed in my companion who made the questionable call of getting sides. I dont even bother with bread there. Why rob your stomach of room for the smoked meats?