round 3 of legal/bbq trips


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this career choice is ******* allsome. this new angle has made it all worhtwhile. JKust found out I gotta ride out to brady to do a 23rd hours, right before jury trial plea bargain thing in Brady. i remembered seeing signs about brady on the way to llano (legal/bbq trip round 1).

To my dismay, going through braday is not the direct route from here. HOWEVER, i';ve seen some mention of Hard 8 around here, so that's the plan.

please advise of location/ordering tips.

thanks and I'll report back tomorrow.
some of my best childhood memories are from Brady. My grandfather was a big time black powder shooter and advocate. went to shoots there just about every Feb. and June when I was just a boy. lots of fun

I don't remember any food spots, except I know we'd eat at some cafe in town on occasion.
we got ddone way too early to eat lunch. luckily, i figured out that it was only a minor detour to return to temple via llano.

coopers. **** yes.

5 women on the potential jury panel had beehive hairdos. seriously, I thought I must have had a flux capacitor in my car or something. ******* twilight zone **** there.
Brady is way the hell out there. They were in our district (Wimberley) and everyone hated going there just cause it was so far. On the otherhand, it was pretty much a guaranteed win.