He never could really square the fact that his name was on the Massachusetts Universal Healthcare Bill. Today on Facebook he said that a "a plan crafted to fit the unique circumstances of a single state should not be grafted onto the entire country."
The Link
But on 6/28/2009 he told David Gregory: "And therefore the right way to proceed is to reform health care. That we can do, as we did it in Massachusetts, as Wyden-Bennett is proposing doing it at the national level. We can do it for the nation, we can get everybody insured, we can get the cost of health care down, but we don't have to have government insurance and government running health care to get that done." [Note: we don't have government insurance]
All he's ever been able to do is lie in the moment, because he knows not what he believes and what he wanted to accomplish. Thank goodness the Electorate saw through his phoniness.
The Link
But on 6/28/2009 he told David Gregory: "And therefore the right way to proceed is to reform health care. That we can do, as we did it in Massachusetts, as Wyden-Bennett is proposing doing it at the national level. We can do it for the nation, we can get everybody insured, we can get the cost of health care down, but we don't have to have government insurance and government running health care to get that done." [Note: we don't have government insurance]
All he's ever been able to do is lie in the moment, because he knows not what he believes and what he wanted to accomplish. Thank goodness the Electorate saw through his phoniness.