Romney / Latino vote

Considering that 75% of the Latino vote is concentrated in Texas, California and New York, ok.

It matters in Florida, New Mexico and Colorado as they are the only states in play that will be influenced by the latino vote.
Republicans are for enforcing our borders. Demos, especially BO, are pro immigration, including illegal immigration. That's why Yomama did his executive order "Dream Act". He doesn't give a crap whether or not it's Constitutional. He just wants to get reelected to an unfettered second term.
Now that I've read the article the only thing I'm shocked about is that a race obsessed group, that favors a more divided nation along racial lines doesn't support Obama at 100%
I want my candidate to appeal to Americans,not blacks not hispanics, not asians, not women,not gays, appeal to AMERICANS!!!!!! I guess that is one of the big differences between liberals and conservatives.........hmmmmmm
I would back up a second, it is not the employers job to control, prevent or police immigration.

I haven't really heard an immigration policy from either side that I like very much.

Just don't put the job on employers, that is the responsiblity of the Federal government to insure that our borders are not flooded with illegal immigrants.

I am for Temporary or seasonal work visa's, I am for putting boots on the ground, pull all those soldiers out of Iraq, Afghanistan, Germany, Japan and every where else around the world and put them on the US-Mexico border. That will quite the drug lords and bring illegal immigration to a screaching halt.

Again, there is not one solution that I truly like or thing would work.

You need a hybrid. I'm all for deporting illegal immigrants and securing the border. However, that's not enough. In fact, by itself, it's almost meaningless, because the incentive to come is far too great. They're always going to try, and some will get through.

You are correct that it's not the employer's job to control, prevent or police immigration. He has no control over that. However, he does have control over who he hires. It's just as illegal for him to hire the illegal alien is it is illegal for the illegal alien to be in the country.

I'm all for deporting the illegal alien. However, while you're at it, fine his employer (who's as big of a lawbreaker as he is) $1,000.00 per day he's on the job, per illegal immigrant, and the problem will go away. He'll think twice before breaking the law to save an extra $7/hour.

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