Robinson’s time growing short at Syracuse

The Statesman's headline is a misstatement. Ivan Maisel at Espin speculates and Alex Trebek quotes it as fact. "Probably out" would be a good guess, but it is still a guess at this point.
Maybe this will dissuade Muschamp from jumping ship too quickly. Robinson IMO was going to a no-win situation in Syracuse, and I'm not sure Gene Chizik will fare much better (although Iowa State may be more patient.)

These guys need to cherry pick their opportunities better rather than just jumping to the first major coaching job that comes along. I wish Robinson well, he did a great job here and he'll do well somewhere else.
If you think Muschamp will wait for a better opportunity than someplace like Syracuse, then I would root for Tennessee to win more games this year. I think Fulmer is exhausting his good will. If that job is open Muschamp would jump at the chance.
I'm surprised and disappointed Robinson hasn't fared better at Syracuse. Turner Gill is arguably doing a better job down the road in Buffalo, in a much worse conference. I am beginning to think that at the very least, Robinson just isn't a good fit for that position. Whether or not he is cut out to be a head coach is still an open question, but the current indicators aren't favorable.

Like someone else said, whenever Muschamp leaves for the next available SEC opening, I would gladly have Robinson back coaching our defense again.
Despite the obvious age difference, Robinson and Muschamp are very similar in style and how they approach the players.

Robinson also prescribes to the "bend not break" type of defense, and is good at making adjustments. His results are Cuse are skewed beyond belief.

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