Roaring Fork


500+ Posts
This is the new restaurant in the Stephen F. Austin at Congress and 7th. I saw it mentioned in the Crimson's thread, but no one reviewed it. I will.

I had tortilla soup as an appetizer. It was really damn good. I also tried one of my aunt's scallops, and not being one who really likes scallops, I must say that it was fantastic too. I had a filet for dinner. Very well cooked, and tasted great. For dessert, I had some kind of chocolate fudge cake something-or-other. It was allsome. I don't know a whole lot about wine, but my aunt and uncle, who are wine encyclopedias, said the list was wasn't very good. However, the wine we had (a pinot noir) was excellent, so there is some quality on the list.
been to the bar in the new bldg on 6th just directly north of the Old District bar and grill? It looks Brown Bar-ish from the outside, but i've not been in.
I hate that place.....

My mother fell and broke her foot at lunch which means I am on the rotation of driving her to work for the next few weeks.

My *** had to be up at 6:30 this morning because she had to run a meeting, which meant I had 45 minutes of jack **** to do before I started work.

Oh well
finally had lunch at Roaring Fork....

impressive. I had the crusted pork tenderloin with mashed potatoes and spicy cream gravy ($8.25). My buddy had the seared tuna BLT that was awesome. Check this place out.