Riverside albertsons closing


500+ Posts
Went in there earlier this week and the prices have begun their plummit for clearance sale. **** pisses me off real bad, now its the worst HEB on earth or nothing really, convenience wise. yea their prices were nothing special or even decent, but it was always empty and i could get in/out in 20 minutes. said they are gonna close first week of march at the latest. ****
I used to do all my shopping there back in the day. More expensive, but that HEB is the last place on Earth I'd like to go.
I freaking worked there back in school for a little while. Albertsons is the most expensive of the major grocery chains. That and they suck so I am not sad to see it go.
I have spent many an hour in that store. It was more expensive than the HEB but that HEB was always so crowded it was like hell on Earth some evenings. Also, that Albertson's was one of the first grocery stores I can remember with a walk-in beer fridge. It was wonderful. In fact, I think I made my first ever alcohol purchase at that store. Goodnight sweet prince.
i could possibly see a fitness center going in there. theres really not anything down here and theres some potential w/ the college students on oltorf and riverside. pisses me off losing such a quick/easy place to buy a caser or dinner on the way home.
Yeah I only went there when I needed a few items and didn't want to deal with the people and all 15 of their kids at HEB.

More expensive, but the convenience outweighed that sometimes.

I agree that a Gold's should go there.
i lived at college park right behind albertsons for 2 years. i agree.......the emptyness and ease of shopping far outweighed the clusterfuck across the street that is the riverside heb.

albertsons will be missed.
Put me down as one that will miss it as well. Shopping at HEB is the suck, i will be taking my business to walmart in the middle of the night
I lost my Albertson's on Manchaca last year when all the rest of them closed. I only went there when I needed one or two things and didn't want to fight the crowd at HEB. I thought I wouldn't miss it, but I do. The walk in beer fridge was nice, too.

It's still empty, which sucks. All the closed Albertson's around here are still empty, I think.
their prices are 25% higher than any other store, what do they expect? every albertons in the state of texas is always empty.
So sad, looks like I'll have to start going to hell (HEB) to get my groceries. I swear, that HEB is the last place on earth I'd want to be on pay day, the line to cash checks is a mile long and its a damn day care, with no self checkout!
That HEB is scary, only heb I don't like. Well, the one on Oltorf and congress is kinda weird as well.

Best overall HEB has to be the one by Dell.
I was hoping no one would mention it, but I'll second that for the HEB on Slaughter at Escarpemnt. But watch out for the soccer moms on the weekends ...
The RR is just new enough, clean enough and isn't as gaudy as a fresh plus, which I will avoid forever. Solid HEB. The far west and arboretum ones are way too crowded and the far west one is structured weird.
ya, hancock HEB might be one of the better stores ive been in. looks like ill have to be one of the masses and do my shopping after work at 5 PM there.
I lived of Burton Drivce for a long time and would only step in that HEB is I needed to pay a time warner bill or catch some horrible disease.

SOrry man.