Clean 5,000+ Posts Feb 11, 2014 #1 Dead at age 85. You were the cutest movie star ever. Too bad modern celebrities aren't more like you were.
Dead at age 85. You were the cutest movie star ever. Too bad modern celebrities aren't more like you were.
Texanne 5,000+ Posts Sponsor Feb 11, 2014 #4 People toss around the phrase "great American" for meaningless country singers and obstructionist politicians. It belongs to soldiers, sailors, and people like Shirley Temple.
People toss around the phrase "great American" for meaningless country singers and obstructionist politicians. It belongs to soldiers, sailors, and people like Shirley Temple.
Vol Horn 4 Life Good Bye To All The Rest! Sponsor Feb 12, 2014 #5 I loved watching her movies when I was a kid. She'll be missed!