I haven't been watch for the last couple of years. This past week I took a peek and Bill Shatner's character was shooting a bunch of Asian (or Asian-American) suits with a paint ball gun.
I didn't know what to think of it so I turned the channel. That said, it really got off with a bang as a program. Spader's character was a good one.
oh, there are very childish things on there.... but there are also very hard issues that they actually talk about and deal with.
It really is very poignant. There was an episode this year dealing with abortion.... It was perhaps the best treatment of abortion and politics and the law in this country I have EVER heard. It caught so much of the emotion and subtly of the issue. I was amazed by it.
David Kelly and the writers can put some very liberal stuff in the show, but the way they handled abortion was just great. It was not conservative or liberal, but a very sobering take I thought.
great show. i liked the comedy and issues. i saw myself agreeing with spader's character on half the issues. shatner's character was getting old. i wish spader could've nsaa candice berguson.