Ricky Planned to Leave UT

After I read that article on MB-TF, it took two tissues, one for the eyes and one for the nose. Good luck Ricky in what ever you do!
Why sad? My years on the 40 are probably my favorite too. That doesn't mean that having my daughters or getting married weren't better events, but being in college is awesome.

People who tell you that high school is the best years of your life never went to college. If I could go back to any age 21 in Austin would be it.

It is also very Ricky. He is a kid at heart. He loved the college life and never did well with the spotlight of the pros.

I wish Ricky the very best of luck in the upcoming season. Next to Vince, he is my favorite Horn ever.
That is from a book I have, What It Means To Be A Longhorn. It's a collection of essays from players and coaches across several decades of Texas football. If you don't have it, I recommed you go and get it.
Why on earth would that be sad. Even for normal folks without athletic talent, college can be a great time that you'll always remember and rank high in your list of fond memories.

Great read. I was on the field at the 95 Texas-A&M game. It was fantastic. It was obvious by then Ricky was the real deal.
When I graduated and left my last class, I sat outside and listened to the Tower toll one last time, and then I cried...God bless UT!
Why sad? My years on the 40 are probably my favorite too. That doesn't mean that having my daughters or getting married weren't better events, but being in college is awesome

My sons a soph at UT and he love's Austin, the University and is already dreading the day he has to leave the 40 acres. He says as most do its large but still has that family atmosphere, his frat brothers mean so much to him. You hate to lose that connection and have to go out in the real world.
Hey Texas Taps that's not very Texan of you to say that of out of staters. Have you forgotten what the word Texas means? it a from an Indian word meaning "Friend" I have heard a lot of people from other states saying that Texas has some of the friendliest folks around. Lets keep it that way my fiend.
Texas Taps,

I daresay that someone in your family had to have some here from somewhere else.

I'm just sayin'......
I started this thread. Ricky is from California, hello. Adjust your sarcasm meters and sense of humor indicators. Sorry if it hurt anyone's feelings, jeez
cutting the dreadlocks sucks...

i had to decide between more money for my family and keeping the dreadlocks...

the money is nice.

besides, pimpin with dreadlocks was WAY too easy...

"you look like Ricky Williams..." = "Hey, where the white women at?!"

I'm buzzin... just wait.