Duplantier starts the ninth facing Shaw in the bottom of the ninth.
Graham comes out to say something to the home plate ump for some reason and returns.
Shaw walks on four pitches for a lead base runner. Texas has a lot of walks and some HBP's.
Hinojosa up and like all Horns not named Johnson is hitless on the game.
The count runs full and he hits a room service hop to second that makes an easy 4-6-3 double play possible.
So Carter bats and trys to extend the game.
He doesn't as he swings and misses at a curve ball to end the game.
Rice wins this one 7-2, but Texas does take the season series 2-1.
Well this was just a good old fashioned butt kicking by Rice.
The bats had started to cool off in the third game against Baylor and they went into the "polar vortex" tonight as only Johnson's single prevented a no hitter for Rice.
Not the way you wanted enter a series in Norman for first place in the conference. We will just have to see what happens now and see which team shows up next weekend.
Hopefully it will be the team we have seen the last few weeks.
Still hard to get a handle on this team besides the usual good starting pitching.
This weekend should help tell us what this team is made of.
A hard series in a tough place to play and usually some tough playing conditions with a lot of wind.
But this is what it is all about and winners find a way and I hope this team finds it's way in Norman to a series