I am fiscally conservative and pro drugs and pro abortion in the first three months (after that, you gotta live with it, you slow wittted, indecisive wuss), and am pro gun and want a safety net big enough to deal with the deserving poor and mentally challenged and the lazy chisellers too lazy to work but are likely to riot if somebody isn't throwing a few dollars their way.
I would like to see federal pensions changed to IRAs and people who hire illegals thrown in prison for a year or two.
I think people who believe in virgin births and an afterlife are bewildered but also some of the best people I know.
As for the GOP, I think their best bet right now would be a brokered convention with Jeb Bush or some other centrist as their candidate. If the gop would nominate somebody sane and quit getting gamed by the nuts in Iowa and the crackers in the south it would win elections with regularity. The dems keep putting up losers like Obama and Kerry and Gore and Clinton who are either morally challenged, geeks or overacheivers and are not likely to stop as long as their version of the snake handlers are involved------namely, the government unions and the race hustlers.
I voted in my first election in 1968 and that Nixon person won. It hasn't gotten any better, with the exception of George HW Bush and look what happened to him.
We will never have another good president because we wont have good candidates to begin with. The government is too big and too diverse and has too many interests pushing and pulling and an electorate too simple minded and uneducated to pick intelligently among the geeks who run.
It's a zoo and the monkeys are throwing feces at each other with abandon and you might as well enjoy it.