Republicans heading for a brokered convention?

Bevo Incognito

5,000+ Posts
Yes, according to this article on Lew

The Link

This is going to be fascinating to see play out.

If they do go into a brokered convention scenario, do you guys think it's an advantage or disadvantage for Obama?
One thing is for sure...It will make for good television going into late summer. My question is do all these candidates have the cash to maintain their campaigns all the way to the convention? Surely not all of them do?

The scary thing about this process is the fact that Rick Perry could still squeek this thing out through a brokered process.
If the GOP were not hijacked by the current crop of anti-science ignoramuses, brain-dead biblical literalists, and ideologues then Romney would strongly be in first place. Romney appears (or is) a spineless flip-flopper because that is what the GOP primary/caucus voting contingent demands of him: to disavow his prior stands on health care and abortion, to mention two hot-button topics.

The GOP won't be anywhere near close to being normal until it distances itself from the group which GWB so assiduously courted.
I like Condi, but I wouldn't bring anyone back from W's administration, yet. Kind of like a governor of Texas, it's too soon. The only candidate with a remote chance to beat Obama is Romney, the sooner the GOP gets behind him the better, especially if the mantra is "anyone but Obama".
You seem to misunderstand my point.

I have no problem when the snake handlers, those who think that Adam & Eve were real people, and the geocentrists gather and worship whatever god it is they worship. My complaint is that they are a pox upon the GOP body politic and their influence, since it is primarily religious based, needs to be lessened.
Where did I say that?

I swear, some of you really have a difficult time with this thing called "reading".

I have said nothing about curtailing your right to vote, despite your ridiculous statement. What I did say was that the GOP needs to distance itself from the group I have mentioned. They (GOP) need to stop playing to that group. That has nothing to do with your right to vote; it has to do with a political party making a strategic decision on whom to court.

I can't really believe I had to spoon-feed that to you....
I am fiscally conservative and pro drugs and pro abortion in the first three months (after that, you gotta live with it, you slow wittted, indecisive wuss), and am pro gun and want a safety net big enough to deal with the deserving poor and mentally challenged and the lazy chisellers too lazy to work but are likely to riot if somebody isn't throwing a few dollars their way.

I would like to see federal pensions changed to IRAs and people who hire illegals thrown in prison for a year or two.

I think people who believe in virgin births and an afterlife are bewildered but also some of the best people I know.

As for the GOP, I think their best bet right now would be a brokered convention with Jeb Bush or some other centrist as their candidate. If the gop would nominate somebody sane and quit getting gamed by the nuts in Iowa and the crackers in the south it would win elections with regularity. The dems keep putting up losers like Obama and Kerry and Gore and Clinton who are either morally challenged, geeks or overacheivers and are not likely to stop as long as their version of the snake handlers are involved------namely, the government unions and the race hustlers.

I voted in my first election in 1968 and that Nixon person won. It hasn't gotten any better, with the exception of George HW Bush and look what happened to him.

We will never have another good president because we wont have good candidates to begin with. The government is too big and too diverse and has too many interests pushing and pulling and an electorate too simple minded and uneducated to pick intelligently among the geeks who run.

It's a zoo and the monkeys are throwing feces at each other with abandon and you might as well enjoy it.
^I can see why you might say that. I stated what I believe - and I also believe that the Constitution doesn't give me the right to impose my standards on someone else. If someone else wants to believe another direction, that's his privilege - and he certainly vote his conscience, just as I'll vote mine.

A brokered convention prediction.

The Democrat smear campaign in full force. Not even one caucus or primary and the bold predictions or rumors are flying. How funny!

Desperate times call for desperate measures.

Democrats must be jealous of the true vetting of candidates instead of the annoiting process!!
I'll tip my hat to the new constitution
Take a bow for the new revolution
Smile and grin at the change all around
Pick up my guitar and play
Just like yesterday
Then I'll get on my knees and pray
We don't get fooled again
Don't get fooled again

Meet the new boss
Same as the old boss
This whole thing is going to break solidly and convincingly for Romney in very short order. Romney will pick a VP candidate with impeccable conservative credentials (cough Robio cough) and it will be game on.

Nothing will motivate and unite Rs more then the scent of an R House (a given) an R Senate (likely) and an R White House (some of us can only hope).

Oh...and if you looking for another prediction....Jim Webb will be the next Sec of Defense (in an Romney admin).

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