Santorum is an idiot.
Repealing DADT is not "social engineering". More Santorum idiocy.
McCain himself said he was ok with repealing DADT if the military brass was ok with it. Then the brass became ok with it and suddently McCain changed his mind.
But it's nice to see the above poster be able to so finely parse the true meaning behind the boos. I'm sure he is equally able, when liberals boo in the presence of the military, to distinguish that they (liberals) are really booing against the "war" and not the troops.
But enough of the sarcasm. The GOP, espeically the rabidly faithful GOP, are mostly homophobic. That's no secret. They think being gay is entirely a choice. You're gay? Michele Bachmann's husband has a clinic to cure you? Would Obamacare cover that, GOP?