Republican Debate

Herman Cain hands down winner tonight for me. Anytime a speaker starts listing with numbers his score is going to go up. It shows he is not going off the top of his head and actually has a plan. BHO did the same thing in his debates, although he would say "I have three things" and then only list one or two, but the emphasis had been made. Herman Cain is going to get a lot of attention now. I hope he doesn't have any bad skeletons in the closet.
According to Wiki: Gary E. Johnson was married to a woman for a number of years and he has two grown children. He separated from the wife in 2005 and she subsequently died of heart disease (very suddenly) the following year. So, no, he probably isn't gay.

He's a self-made millionaire, triathlete, and has climbed Mt. Everest. He's a low tax guy with libertarian principles. I didn't see the debate, but seems like there's alot to like about him.
heard today that the outcome was that Cain was the 'winner' of the debate last night. Damn those racist Republicans...
Cain and Pawlenty were best. Regarding Paul, he is currently 75 I believe. There was that poll on CNN which I think was bs that said Paul had the best chance against Obama. Even if by some miracle he won, he would 77, serving into his 80's.
I plan on voting for Ron Paul in the primary as of today. Don't hold me to that as it is VERY VERY early, and there are many things that could change that, but that is definitely how I feel about voting today.
Love to see the Republican Party deal with Ron Paul as their nominee. That would be much better drama than watching them deal with Obama!
Cain is a former Fed Regional Chairman. Huge X mark for me. He may change my opinion yet, but its still Ron Paul and not even close. His message and stance has been rock solid for years and he is the only candidate that still doesnt follow the same old party lines that have ruined this country.
I thought Cain did great last night. Pawlenty and Santorum just come off too polished and canned answers.

I hope Cain continues to gain steam. Can't wait for the inevitable idiocy of Jackson and Sharpton running out of the woodwork screaming Uncle Tom! Would love to see Cain put 'em in their place.
I heard it on Fox News. As I recall it was with 49%. No idea who did the poll, no idea who was polled. Heard it passing when I was doing something else around the house. Probably watching kids.
I was watching the post show on Fox that night and they had one of those groups that rate how they feel when watching something. Anyway, he asked how many would have voted for Cain prior to the debate; one person raised their hand. Then he asked how many would vote for him post debate; about two-thirds of the room raised their hand.

Cain was the best candidate at the debate and he seemed the most level headed to me. I also like some of the ways he said he would approach an issue.

Today, I would vote for Cain but it is still early as some others have said.

Found a link Focus Group
I dont trust those fox after debate reflection sessions. I remember Fox getting caught the last time around with people who were suppose to be randomly selected appearing at mulitple debates. Pretty shady. If anyone lets a room full of hand selected individuals determine which way they vote, we have major problems.
When I worked for Wal-Mart 15 years ago, I attended a shareholder meeting in Bentonville where Herman Cain was a guest. He is an incredibly engaging public speaker and the points he made then as it related to good business practice and employee relations were things that I remember to this day. I will be interested to see how the rest of the election cycle goes for him, but I would not dismiss his potential and viability as a serious candidate.
2003TexasGrad, I hope not many of our fellow hornfans members are not included on your problem list. I hope that post-debate thing did not influence them. What that is is the network biased and in support of a certain candidate when they get caught as 2003TexasGrad said. And the moderators did not ask Paul too many questions. Excluding him in this way is a bias against him. The media was biased during the last elections as well on both liberal and neo-con media outlets. If the other candidates were inspired by libertarian principles you can credit Ron Paul for that.

And by the way running a corporation like Cain did is not the same as running a government. Ron Paul is literally an economics expert and knows, with the Austrain School of Free Market Economics, how to keep an economy actually humming. He is a political philosopher with his understanding of the Constitution, the messages of the Founding Fathers, Washington, and other great historical statesmen. They truly had much sage wisdom to impart on later politicians in this country but most politicians know nothing of their messages or do not follow them, and know nothing of Economics and do not follow any of the legally binding contract we call The Constitution. They swear on it, literally, when they're put in office. And yet they do not follow it. Paul also has clearly defined political philosophy on every issue regarding a presidency. If you give him time in his interviews rather than the ADD format of the debates, he can expound on every principle he has ad naseum, but always making sense and appealing to logic, truly.

Paul has written several books, including his book Liberty Defined.

Paul predicted the economic meltdown of 2008 years in advance. In the 1970's. Watch this clip of Paul
The Link

Like I said, he is literally an economics expert. I doubt there is a politician in Washington who knows more. He also talks about things that other politicians won't touch such as actually following the Constitution on many issues and central banking, and following a sound money policy.
The Link

Ron Paul displaying his economics acumen and political philosophy in an interview.

Herman Cain may know how to run a corporation but what does he know of economics? There is a difference between being an economics expert and a former finance major or whatever he was. Because one is the economics expert. Ron Paul IS the expert, not Hermain Cain. So on economics issues Paul comes out way on top. Cain also used to work for the Fed so who will he be invested in? Central banking, an evil. And even if he says he's not who is to say he is not lying just like Bush and Obama do. They both ran on different foreign policies than they did in their presidencies, among other things. Radically different policies, actually.

Ron Paul's voted the same for 25 years or so.
He stands for clearly defined principles.

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