2003TexasGrad, I hope not many of our fellow hornfans members are not included on your problem list. I hope that post-debate thing did not influence them. What that is is the network biased and in support of a certain candidate when they get caught as 2003TexasGrad said. And the moderators did not ask Paul too many questions. Excluding him in this way is a bias against him. The media was biased during the last elections as well on both liberal and neo-con media outlets. If the other candidates were inspired by libertarian principles you can credit Ron Paul for that.
And by the way running a corporation like Cain did is not the same as running a government. Ron Paul is literally an economics expert and knows, with the Austrain School of Free Market Economics, how to keep an economy actually humming. He is a political philosopher with his understanding of the Constitution, the messages of the Founding Fathers, Washington, and other great historical statesmen. They truly had much sage wisdom to impart on later politicians in this country but most politicians know nothing of their messages or do not follow them, and know nothing of Economics and do not follow any of the legally binding contract we call The Constitution. They swear on it, literally, when they're put in office. And yet they do not follow it. Paul also has clearly defined political philosophy on every issue regarding a presidency. If you give him time in his interviews rather than the ADD format of the debates, he can expound on every principle he has ad naseum, but always making sense and appealing to logic, truly.
Paul has written several books, including his book Liberty Defined.
Paul predicted the economic meltdown of 2008 years in advance. In the 1970's. Watch this clip of Paul
The Link
Like I said, he is literally an economics expert. I doubt there is a politician in Washington who knows more. He also talks about things that other politicians won't touch such as actually following the Constitution on many issues and central banking, and following a sound money policy.