Republican Debate - 1/24


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They are in Florida. 30 minutes in - and Ron Paul just got his second question.

Best line of the night so far - Romney on spending: "When Republicans act like Democrats, we all lose."

Romney is hitting Democrats hard.
Romney - "Democrats are taking credit for the turn-around in Iraq. The turn-around is due to the blood and courage of our soldiers, not the decision of General Clinton." (paraphrase).

Ron Paul - "The genesis of the Iraq War was the declaration of the previous administration in 1998 that Saddam should be removed."
Post debate -

Huckabee on being a candidate running against the Clinton machine - "if you don't like the sight of your own blood, watch it from the stands."
romney looked good tonight, very well spoken and on point. i haven't followed this campaign much so far, but i like what i see from him vs the other candidates
Wash you sure are talking a lot about the democrats considering it was a republican debate. So far you have six posts and only two of them don't mention the democrats.
That Democratic Congresswoman from Florida - Debbie Wasserman Schultz - on MSNBC is crazy if she thinks Republicans don't want to run against Clinton rather than Obama.

A Clinton candidacy will bring treasure troves of donations to Republicans. An Obama candidacy and Presidency is much more palatable to Republicans.
It's only an hour and a half. I've watched them all so far so I might as well watch this one. I even watched the Tavis Smiley debate where most of the republicans didn't show up.
I agree the Pubs would fare better against Clinton - it'll help quite a bit when it comes to congressional races. However, with the economy set to tank, that's about all she wrote for ALL Pubs come the general. The WH will switch parties in bad economic years as it has alway done. Help us Mr. Obama, you're our only hope.

No . . . there is . . . another.
He was always going to wait for the nominees. If its Clinton and anyone but McCain, the opening is there. Then again, if the conservative intelligentsia give JM the GHWB treatment, the opening may still be there.

Bloomberg will spend a half billion of his own money. Time isn't so much a factor as is the space for him to operate relative to the two nominees. Huckabee/Clinton would be ideal, but even Romney/Clinton has been leaked out as the right mix.

Then there's the factor of whether or not he'll be a good national campaigner, which is, of course, a total unknown at this point. If he runs, I expect at the least he won't bizarrely bow out and back in.

I think we'll have a pretty clear picture on this after Super Tuesday.
I agree with softly: A Hillary run will help Republicans in Congressional races. Also, a poor economy will probably sink any republican presidential candidate. Maybe Romney would have some chance, however, since he is very pro-business.

As battleship pointed out, Bloomberg would take votes away from Romney and hand the whitehouse to Hillary Clinton. I would probably vote for Bloomberg over any candidate I've seen so far. I like Romney's platform, but he seems somewhat removed from the struggles of minorities. He is rich and sophisticated and doesn't seem like he could mix in an inner city environment or in a rural/farming environment.

I have a tough time reading McCain. I agree with him on so few issues. He doesn't appear fiscally conservative and seems weak with no solid belief system. Yet he gets a majority of the veteran vote, which propels him through the primaries.
I was dissapointed that they didn't let Ron Paul address the first topic about the economy/stimulous package. That is one of his strengths and he would have provided more substance (IMO) than the first 3 candidates to speak on the subject.

They really tried hard to marginalize Paul and Huckabee. Only 4 questions each to them. They let Romney run over on time all night long.

My summary:

McCain - War is good. I have lots of insider friends.

Romney - Democrats are bad. I was governor of Massachusetts.

Rudy - We need a secure national ID card. We need to be aggressive.

Paul - Not a good public speaker. Didn't get to address the most important topics.

Huckabee - Afraid of Chuck Norris. Supports Fair tax.
Did anyone else think Paul didn't want to ask that question but didn't want to stir a **** storm like the Dems...why would Paul ask a question like that when him and McCain are polar opposites on the war.

I wanted Paul to ask McCain a hard question about Iraq or foreign policy.
Although he probably would just answer the same old, war is good...don't hate the troops BS.

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