Hornin Hong Kong
1,000+ Posts
I have a 20*20 piece of grass I need to remove during a renovation - it's not st augustin it's more like bent grassy stuff and its growing wild with clover and shiat. Ill take it out now and resod it in October
Gardeners says he will be happy to do it for 1000 USD.
I mean wtf a wheelbarrow is like 100 bucks and a shovel is like 30 right (and Labor in HK is like 3 bucks an hour)
What tools do I need and what is the process do ya think?
Gardeners says he will be happy to do it for 1000 USD.
I mean wtf a wheelbarrow is like 100 bucks and a shovel is like 30 right (and Labor in HK is like 3 bucks an hour)
What tools do I need and what is the process do ya think?