Remember when Colt . . .


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ran straight up the middle, outracing all the Aggie defensive backs, for a long touchdown? Well, apparently, a decade later, he still has some wheels. From an article on his 15 yard run this past Sunday--

"According to Next Gen Stats, McCoy reached 20.31 MPH on his 15-yard rush, the third-fastest speed reached by a QB this season."
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I tell everyone who will listen to me that Colt was an underrated College QB.
I know it sounds weird to the Longhorn faithful to hear that. We know he was clutch as hell and about the 77% pass completion %age etc etc, and the uncanny ability to escape pressure and turn 3rd and longs into 1st downs.

And the aggy and the sooners know that too, but:

- They underrate his speed because he followed Vince. Ask the aggy how fast is though... They know

- I think most of the college football outside of the Big12 only remembers the Title game in which he got hurt. They don't remember that he almost took us to two MNCs in a row, (and how we got hosed by the BCS in 2008)

- NFL fans don't appreciate the college game and don't care what he did in college. They think McCoy and they think mediocre. In college Colt was anything but. (I also have my theory that when he was getting concussed with the Browns and his dad spoke up about it, it effected his NFL career opportunities.)

- He was not a big time recruit, so he never had that blue chip star power (which means nothing, but...)

- The team he led to the MNC was not that great as evidenced by the 2010 collapse (and that 2009 conference championship game). I think he was a better QB than Vince (yes) playing on a worse team. Both QBs elevated their team's play, but Colt erased a LOT of issues.

I think Colt was such an unexpected gem that it made Mack really lazy. He figured that if he could plug a nobody from West Texas into his program and make a star that it was because of the strength of his program and so he could relax, plug and play and enjoy. But it was not the strength of Mack's program. It was Colt (and a small caste of other players).
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I tell everyone who will listen to me that Colt was an underrated College QB.

Based on the posters that have said that Ehlinger is already better than Colt, this is true among the longhorn faithful as well.
I still harken back to one of the discussions on VSIN prior to the season when they generally agreed that Colt was probably one of THE BEST to have as the back-up. They praised his game management skills. He was not going to be flashy but he ALSO was not going to give the game away.

Colt has further managed to showcase the head on his shoulders by being willing to accept his lot in NFL life and ensuring he has a nice retirement nest egg instead of doing like some other scrubs who turned down contracts and insisted on trying to get top-10 starter money when it was nowhere to be found.

We all know he would rather be starting instead of being on the sideline with the clipboard in his hand, but his career has greatly been prolonged as a player by accepting that status. Now he gets his chance again to show what he can do with a week of practice with the first-string...well, ok...a few days, but still getting game-ready with the starters.

Still wish he had been able to start the career somewhere other than the Mistake by the Lake, but at least it was not a complete career killer even with that sieve-like O-Line he was stuck behind...
- The team he led to the MNC was not that great as evidenced by the 2010 collapse (and that 2009 conference championship game). I think he was a better QB than Vince (yes) playing on a worse team. Both QBs elevated their team's play, but Colt erased a LOT of issues.

I think Colt was such an unexpected gem that it made Mack really lazy. He figured that if he could plug a nobody from West Texas into his program and make a star that it was because of the strength of his program and so he could relax, plug and play and enjoy. But it was not the strength of Mack's program. It was Colt (and a small caste of other players).[/QUOTE]
30-2 in three seasons is better than Colt. Two Rose Bowls dominated by Vince is better than Colt. 30-17 as a starter in the NFL is better than Colt.

Mack Brown was lazy in the first place, Bobby Bowden dadgum it. Did anyone ever listen to Mack Brown in a presser display his coaching wizardry? No, he was an A+++ recruiter that said all of the right things and had the program rolling until Colt got the injury against Bama. Then he laid down and cried because his feelings got hurt. Laid down in Gilbert's sophomore season by trying to install Alabama's offense for a qb that had literally run the zone read his whole life and for an o-line that didn't know how to power block. Remember Matthews coming to our practice and laughing at our oline coaching? His kid went and played for A&M because they taught pro technique.

No, I won't let anyone make Colt McCoy a national champion in a dream world where he doesn't get hurt, and I sure as hell am not going to sit around and let someone spout off that he was better than a guy who was all-world and without whom we would still be going on 47 years without a title in football......
I’ll say it. I’m a cowboy fan, but would love for Colt to win a super bowl as a starting quarterback even if it’s with the Redskins.
I've always had a lot vitriol for the Redskins, but Colt deserves a Superbowl Ring considering how his career ended at Texas. I'll be pulling for him Thursday even while surrounded by a roomful of Cowboy fans.
Mack Brown was lazy in the first place

Most coaches that win national championships were lazy in the first place. :rolleyes1:

Remember Matthews coming to our practice and laughing at our oline coaching? His kid went and played for A&M because they taught pro technique.

Vince Young's offensive line >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2008 & 2009 offensive lines. Go look up Vince Young's line. They all had long pro careers except for one that decided not to play pro football. On his last run to the end zone watch how many USC players the offensive line takes out.

Vince Young was fantastic, but I have to agree that Colt McCoy was more valuable to his team than Vince Young. That true statement does not takeaway from the greatness of Vince Young. Would Colt McCoy win a national title on the 05 team? Almost certainly. Would Vince Young win a national title without that offensive line, David Thomas (can you even name 09's tight end?), Ramonce Taylor, Jamal Charles, etc? Maybe. Even the fullback from the 2005 team (Ahmad Hall) went on to play 85 games in the NFL. Vince Young is one of the greatest college players (his junior year) of all time, but it is a giant myth it was a one man show. McCoy was not a one man show, but it was pretty close. McCoy was also better all 4 seasons than Vince's first two season excluding the Michigan Rose Bowl.

Also, 30-2 included some saves by Chance Mock and some losses Vince Young was a part of but did not start for and did not get credit for.

Colt McCoy is probably the best college QB to ever play at UT. If we are considering pro careers, it is NFL Hall of Famer Bobby Layne.

I really do not like to beat up on Vince Young, but the whole "vince young did it by himself" and the rest of the team and the coaches had nothing to do with anything myth has gotten so old.

Dan Marino, for example, despite playing for the Miami Dolphins, is one of the best quarterbacks of all time and better than a lot of quarterbacks that won super bowls.
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Most coaches that win national championships were lazy in the first place. :rolleyes1:

Vince Young's offensive line >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2008 & 2009 offensive lines. Go look up Vince Young's line. They all had long pro careers except for one that decided not to play pro football. On his last run to the end zone watch how many USC players the offensive line takes out.

Vince Young was fantastic, but I have to agree that Colt McCoy was more valuable to his team than Vince Young. That true statement does not takeaway from the greatness of Vince Young. Would Colt McCoy win a national title on the 05 team? Almost certainly. Would Vince Young win a national title without that offensive line, David Thomas (can you even name 09's tight end?), Ramonce Taylor, Jamal Charles, etc? Maybe. Even the fullback from the 2005 team (Ahmad Hall) went on to play 85 games in the NFL. Vince Young is one of the greatest college players (his junior year) of all time, but it is a giant myth it was a one man show. McCoy was not a one man show, but it was pretty close. McCoy was also better all 4 seasons than Vince's first two season excluding the Michigan Rose Bowl.

Also, 30-2 included some saves by Chance Mock and some losses Vince Young was a part of but did not start for and did not get credit for.

Colt McCoy is probably the best college QB to ever play at UT. If we are considering pro careers, it is NFL Hall of Famer Bobby Layne.

I really do not like to beat up on Vince Young, but the whole "vince young did it by himself" and the rest of the team and the coaches had nothing to do with anything myth has gotten so old.

Dan Marino, for example, despite playing for the Miami Dolphins, is one of the best quarterbacks of all time and better than a lot of quarterbacks that won super bowls.
I don’t agree with Colt almost certainly wins a National Championship in 05.
Pete Carroll is a good defensive coach. He changed his D to make VY pass to win.
Colt would have had to be super human that night. Not saying he couldn’t.
This is talking about two of our greatest, but does VY beat Alabama?
A much bigger QB, does he take the hit from Marcell Darius?
Darius doesn’t touch Vince because he never catches Vince. Vince magically plays on any of the 2006-2009 teams, Texas has a chance to go undefeated. It’s ok to what if this scenario because Colt people will what if themselves to death....what if he doesn’t get hurt against a&m what if he doesn’t get hurt against Alabama what if he doesn’t go to Cleveland what if what if what if. I’ll admit this post is more pro Vince than anti colt in The Who is better discussion. Colt is a class act, and did and does the best with what God gave him and I’m happy for any success that he’s achieved. Just saying that the Team people on hornfans need to digest the fact that without Vince Texas would be 40 something years without a title and still thinking What If.....
Might I remind everyone of the original post, which had nothing to do with comparing Colt with VY. If y'all want to argue about that, perhaps you could consider starting a new thread?
No, I won't let anyone make Colt McCoy a national champion in a dream world where he doesn't get hurt, and I sure as hell am not going to sit around and let someone spout off that he was better than a guy who was all-world and without whom we would still be going on 47 years without a title in football......

It’s just my opinion that Colt was better college QB than Vince. Only didn’t have the mic title to go with it. You’d think I said VY sucked. Maybe you should get off the innerwebs if opinions upset you this much.

Back to the thread topic, Colt has two TDs so far and looking good against the Cowboys. It’s going to be fun to see what kind of season he has now that he has his shot.
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Thin gray line between getting upset and calling bs on a statement I disagree with. Having said that I’ll attempt to dial it down for the Colt fan fantasy, the Poor Charlie Strong faction, and the Shaners....
No, I won't let anyone make Colt McCoy a national champion in a dream world where he doesn't get hurt

OK ... I'll feed this troll fest ...

We almost beat bama with a true frosh qb who hadn't taken a game snap all year.

Yeah, we'da rolled the tide if Colt doesn't get hurt. Shoot, we'da spun 'em if Colt plays the first half.

Bettern Vince? sigh. Doesn't have the ring to prove it, but I think he was a far superior passer. He does, however, have the wins and the conference championships.

Would like to have watched Colt yesterday, but that would have meant supporting a thug organization. I know there are good people in the NFL ... too bad they're not in management. Goodell has to go. Haven't watched more than 5 games in the last 3 years. And I used to set my watch by Cowboy kickoff.

Colt was a great one. Wish him all the best. Hook 'EM!