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Hope I'm posting this in the right place. With the Piggy game being postponed, we are using our tickets out of sequence.

As I was getting ready today, I went to get my tickets for the game. Without thinking, I tore off the next tickets in my set and put them in my pocket. Sometime later (but fortunately before I left) I noticed I had Game 2 tickets and not Game 3.

Check to make sure you have the right game tickets and parking pass for today!
I think you are going to save a good handful of people. I would have never thought about this and will now be careful.

This, is focusness personified. The focus is strong with this one.
CRAP....! I had the wrong tickets staged next to my wallet. I easily could have come all the way from Houston with the wrong tickets.
Thanks for the heads up - just went and punched out the game 3 tickets. I could easily see getting in a rush and grabbing the wrong ones.

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