Random things you've overheard at work...


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I never know what I'm going to hear walking down the halls at school.

Today I hear...

"I'm a *****???? YOU'RE a *****! You're pussier than me!!!!"

Yes, that's right. Pussier.
One conversation where a co-worker was questioning another's faith/ religion (guy he was questioning is from India) and flat out told him that he needed to "rethink" his religion. That guy is no longer with the company. Odd dude really.

This should probably be in the "People of Walmart" thread but I overheard this, though I was not at work. It happened here in El Paso at a Walmart back around Halloween.

"Holy suck a dick woman, I'm at work!!" The guy was not at work. He was wearing scrubs. He was a patron like me in the frozen entree aisle.

I snickered and giggled!!!

Never heard "Holy suck a dick" before! It was allsome!
Conversation between a student and my TA:

Teacher: Have you heard from so-and-so lately?
Kid: I heard he was turning blood on the street.
Teacher: ....What? Is he OK?
Kid: I mean I guess so, he just turning blood's all.
Teacher: Turning Blood?
Kid: Yeah, That's what I said.
Teacher: What's turning blood?
Kid: You know, Turning Blood.
Teacher: Can you say that in White People please?
Kid: I heard that, perhaps, he is selling narcotics.
Teacher: Oh, OK.

I love that kid.
Greatness, Smurfette!

It channels me some Richard Pryor talking like a white dude: Black Dude cuts in line, White Dude says: Ok, buddy, ok, buddy!

Black Dude, grabbing crotch: Buddy this!

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