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Seamus McBundy

Who in the hell keeps killing these terrorist? Those Israelis are up to something. I just know it!


It would not be unusual for such a person to use his house as an explosives laboratory. I don't think it's unreasonable to think that the Israelis were behind it, but I also don't think it's unreasonable to think that he accidentally blew himself up.
If Israel is responsible does he get his virgins in the afterlife?

But if he just ****** up what happens? Some old skanky whores?

I am sorry for the dead children.
I'm leaning toward accident and are blaming Israelies to keep from looking stupid. Probably pressed the detonator button thinking it was the tv remote.
Once upon a time, Israel intercepted a shipment of, among other things, detonators to the Palestinian resistance groups. Instead of confiscating the stuff, they figured out the frequencies on the radio detonators. They let a large portion of the stuff get through and kept their discovery under wraps. When the bombs were being put together, the Israelis would roll around broadcasting the correct frequency. Truly ingenious.
Do you have any evidence that we don't or haven't done something similar?

What an odd place to project your irrational Bush hatred. You assume (1) that we have ever obtained such intelligence, (2) that we didn't use it in a similar manner, (3) that it was Bush's decision not to use it in a similar manner, and (4) that he decided not to use it out of sheer stupidity, rather than out of other political, military, or intelligence reasons. I submit that none of the four are true.

But don't let the facts stand in the way. Bush is a moron; Bush is the devil. We get it. It's old. It's tiresome. And I've grown really rather sick of it all.
"I have friends and coworkers that have been tortured. In the Middle East. I cursed those that did so but I never expected nor wanted my government to do the same."

For what?
If bomb factory accidents blew up the entire West Bank & Gaza Strip (as well as Southern Lebanon & the Paraguayan section of the Paraguayan/Brazilian/Argentine Triangle in the Iguazu area) I would be very happy.

Throw in a few meth lab explosions and Darwin would be taking care of things before soldiers & police could even get near to danger.

Regardless of whether Isreal was behind this, or the other recent explosions -- I really enjoy how bad *** they are. I mean, they don't **** around. There is no ***** footing when they need to do some ****. They do it.

We should hire isreal to go find bin laden. Of course we woudln't be able to prance him around in an orange jumpsuit afterwards, because he would be completely blown apart. But the job would be done.
zzzz, - if you are accusing me of anti-Semitism you are wrong and I suggest you look at that other post where Darwin was referenced with the implication that Arabs are something less than human. Not to mention your relentless bigotry on the topic.

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