Raising Cole


< 25 Posts
Over the weekend I had the opprotunity to read the book "Raising Cole". My wife had read the book (My son;s name is Cole) and suggested I read it. Not knowing what it was about, I began to read. Now you have to understand that the last book I read was in college over 18 years ago. I just don't read, but for some reason I wanted to read this book.

For some reason I did not know when I started reading the book that Cole was Chase Pittman's brother. I knew Chase had lost a brother but for some reason I did not put the 2 together. Plus being a huge LSU fan, I just could not imagine how I missed that one.

I know all of you Texas fans have a copy, but if your a father, and have children, I think you should go out and buy this book tomorrow and read it. This was the most profound and uplifting book I have ever read. I found myself at times crying in certain parts. The book is about the relationship b/w a father and his sons.

For the younger guys on this board, I think you should read the book as well, and then after your finished, see if your not inspired to pick up the phone and call your father.

I love my brother to the west...Hook'em Horns.

Thanks guys.
Fantastic post. I remember meeting Mr Pittman after Cole's passing. What an amazing man.

I remember tearing up at the UNC game when the took a knee on the extra point to finish with "44" points.

Hook 'em Cole !!!

The Link
wow, what perfect timing for a thread like this. refreshing to click on a thread that features a family like the pittman's and then the "44" video showing the brotherhood of the longhorn program. very, very nice.
I saw the name Cole and had to take a peek at this thread. Cole is one of the most common names I hear out there, must be a million little Cole's running around the US now.
i'm a young 27 year old with no kids now or anytime soon. but it was a beautiful book that made me look at my father in a whole new light. he and i are best friends.

lsutwins, i hope you checked out that video in the second post. cole's love for family affected the whole Longhorn program. that video gets me every dad'gum time.
Cole, his parents and Chase, even though he left to play at LSU, will always be members of the Longhorn Nation and much loved.

I laughed. I cried. I held my sons closer and hugged them tighter. And, I make it a point to tell each of them that I love them AT LEAST once a day. It's a great book for dads and their sons, but it's also a wonderful book for moms to read. You'll never look at the parent/child relationship the same, after reading this book.
It really is a must read. I still have my autographed copy. I read it before I became a father and it is about time to read it again. Thanks for the post!
I have bought and given out 6 of the Raising Cole books. I was just thinking today on my flight home that I need to be me a copy and read it again. I knew Cole and the Pittman family. RIP Cole and God bless the Pittman family.
I read it two weeks ago; my wife, one week ago.

Our son will be born in the next two days.

Great book. It is not without its faults, but I think that was why I liked it: it came across as genuine.