Question for Texas fans

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I'm directing this question mainly to those who were around when Mackovic was coaching (or earlier) and who have also followed Mack Brown since he pulled you guys out of obscurity in the late 90s.

Right before Mack began working his magic, how much trash talk was getting dumped on Texas by fans of opposing teams? I lived in Texas at the time, so I know it was pretty bad.

Because this is a new experience for me and the rest of the Husker fans. We went bowl-less for the second time in four years, and now we're getting haterade dumped on us from all sides. Missouri has been trying to tell us how great they are the entire offseason. Colorado is telling us that with Darrell Scott, they'll chew our asses up. Even K-State and Iowa State are laughing at us - and these are fans of programs that have never seen the winning tradition that programs like Nebraska, Texas, Oklahoma, Bama, etc. have.

How did you handle the aggy, Tech, etc. haters then, and how should we handle it now? I would think let the play speak for itself, but I want your opinions and reaction.

Thanks in advance.
Those were long days Husker. You have to get somebody at somepoint that you feel is going to take the program to a better level. IMO, when Darrell Royal got involved in this hire, I finally had hope. Mack had to prove himself, but I think his ability to recruit really did it. All coaches should be able to recruit to this place, but Mac just took it to a level not seen in a long time. We had to go thru a progression of better assistants too. Neb. has always had the fan base and support, but I think Callahan didn't recruit well. I don't know really why. I heard Solich had an abrasive personality that eventually hurt his recruiting. He did alright till he ran out of Tom's closet. Let's face it recruting is the life blood of good teams. You still have to coach them, but it starts there. Neb. does that again and the CU's, MU's and the KSU's will take care of themselves and the chatter will get quiet. The schools you mentioned can really attract the best and when they are doing it one or all of them dominate. It is a more level playing field right now, but the advantages of those schools you list can fault them quickly.
Simple. You bite your lip, you smile, you congratulate them. But your eyes never change. Your eyes always read "enjoy it now asswipe.....this is a blip in history and you know we are going to be hanging 70 on you again soon." Meanwhile wish them the best of luck in the Independance Bowl.

And then a couple of years later when you have beaten the holy hell out of them and you deal with thier fans, you smile, and wish them the best of luck the rest of the season and tell them that you hope that they had a great time in Lincoln.

And after they grin and grunt and skake your hand and walk away, under your breath you say "peasants".

Remember the line from "Hoosiers"?..."The Sun doesn't shine on the same dog's butt everyday." You keep in mind that this happens to be the underdog's day, while knowing that Nebraska traditionally is one of the big boys in college football. You keep in mind that the Huskers have the fanbase, and the financial wherewithall to sooner, rather than later, hire someone who can coach smash mouth football and recruit the midwest and Texas. Keep the faith that the Huskers will again be hanging seventy on the lower half of the Big 12, and contesting Texas and blow-u for conference supremecy, the way it ought to be.
Just keep reminding yourself that what goes around comes around. Every team goes through some low times -- we had ours, and now you have yours. But, like the phoenix, you will rise again from the ashes.

And those that heap the **** on you now will soon enough be digging themselves out from under said ****.
I was at the 93 Tech game in Lubbock. Texas absolutley quit. Tech beat our ***, not with gimmick offense, but just a physical *** kicking. While Mackovic did some good things we were basically 1 deep in talent and very divided. I think sending Callahan packing will be a great start. I don't know if your alumni had ever been excluded but ours was. Win games is the best answer.
It was a down time even before Mackovic. Due to a number of things that DKR had to put up with all the way back with recruiting black players in the 60's and some other things, the facilities alone for the football program were dreadful. It took the Mackovic era (and some passing of some board of regent members) to first get DKR back involved in the hiring of Mack and then Mack not only turning the program around with wins, but updating and renovating the football facilities.

We're all Horn fans and pulled for the Horns throughout the years, but even though I've had my problems with Mack and game day decisions, he has turned the program around and put it into a top 5 in the nation place. So be patient, keep the faith, and trust that there's more to turning around a program than just wins or scoreboard. Example? Just look at our recruits this year and those lined up for 09. Texas is going to be at or near the top for the next 4 to 5 years. Hopefully, NU will be back there as well. You and your fanbase deserve nothing less...IMO.

Just Blind Hog syndrome HNK.

Husker fans will see thing return to normal, just remember to keep up the previous attitude of your fanbase, don't let a blip on the screen change the gracious manner. (as per DKR "act like you've been here before")

Let the "also rans" of the conference thump their chest about their acorn....they will be eating shells again soon enough.
"Hey, y'all played a great game. Congratulations." when you lose.

"Hey, y'all played a great game. Thank you." when you win.

Outclass the sons-of-*******. Never let them know how you really feel about them. Then they've won.
I don't feel sorry for yall. You had a great rep for being so "classy" of fans, but I knew that would come to an end when you weren't the king **** anymore.

Now that yall don't beat everybody 55-0, your days of being humble winners are coming to an end.

If/when Texas beats Nebrask in Lincoln next time you play, will you clap for the opposing team again? You were only good because of the walk on /extra sholarships deal. Done.
I think NU can and will get better, but it will be really hard to ever stay at the level they were at.Kids now don't remember the 90s and NU doesn't have the recruiting hot bed Mack had to work with.
ptown and Badger- I went to the 02 and 06 games in Lincoln and received nothing but kindness and well wishes after the game. And keep in mind the 06 game had to be about as big a kick in the nuts as a fanbase can take- we absolutely stole that game from them.
It's irritating, but I just remember that I have seen a lot more victories than defeats versus the braggart's team, and gone to more great bowl games, and seen more national championship wins, than almost any opponent can claim. I would imagine you have too, HuskerNKingwood.
To the victor goes the bragging rights, but over time, you still have almost all the bragging rights there are to be earned.
How much is it supposed to bother me when Texas Tech beats Texas in Lubboch, which happens on occasion, when I remember the 1964 Cotton Bowl, the 1969 Arkansas game, and the Vince Young Rose Bowl victories? It hurts to lose as a passionate sports fan, but we have had many more smiles than frowns over the years.
I'm not so sold on the "NU fans were only good sports because it was easy when they won so much" line of reasoning. Sure, the troubles have caused some of the more disgruntled folks and a few jackasses to come out of the woodwork. But, if winning so much made it easy to be classy fans, then why haven't USC or Miami or Florida State fans been renowned across their conference for great fan behavior? I remember beating Nebraska 31-7 here in Austin in 2003 and all the Huskers I encountered in Austin lived up to what I'd heard of the NU class behavior. I was at 28-25 last year but didn't really have much interaction with any Nebraska fans, mostly since we were all just so pissed at how badly we'd played most of the game. Both fanbases were in a bad mood at that one - but I didn't notice anything particularly un-classy either.

In reply to:

It was a bad time for way too many Horns and I'm speaking for all varieties. T-shirt fans, Exes, former players, coaches, HS coaches, Dodds and sadly, DKR as well.. Yes, '73, Mack has 1 title, played for 2 others and lost. But things at 40 acres are so much better now and the future is certainly brighter. One Horn's opinion anyway.
7 minus 3 with probations, if not more taken away...our root system is much more solid now. Our contacts and relationships with the HS's in state are much better. There is a more solid base of players and a rotation.

However, the rotation of backs that Johnny M, the elder, had at one point is stellar. I mean, think about it. Ricky Williams third string and playing fullback. Priest Holmes not the feature back. Amazing 3 headed monster.
I came of age in the late 80's at time when A&M was on something like a 9 out of 10 game football winning streak against us. Very dark days to say the least. There was no "it's just luck" or "even a blind squirrel finds a nut" arguments to dull the pain. They really were better than us for a time. The only thing to do was drink heavily and be glad none of us had to ever spend four years living in the hell hole known as College Station.

I can say with certainty that I have noticed a major shift in the Nebraska fanbase.

In ’98 and ’02 they were nothing but gracious when we won (of course, both times they hadn’t lost at home in a long time).

In ’06 they were much, much grumpier, and less “happy”. They weren’t jerks, but they weren’t as excited to see a guy in a Longhorn outfit to come up to him and buy him a drink (or 6) – which is what happened in the previous 2 years.

I will say that the Nebraska baseball fans were nothing short of raging ******** in the ’05 CWS.

As for how I handled the dark years of Texas football, like others have said, grin and bear it.

Having a year that the HIGHLIGHT for that year being a game in which we TIED Syracuse at home on what I will swear to my dying day was the hottest day in Austin ever. At least that’s my option having been in the 5th row of a concrete stadium with Astroturf reflecting the 3pm sun back in your eyes with a thermometer on the field showing it being more than 130 Degrees….