But, like I've said before:
You buy a house in Eanes for $300,000 because of the "good schools"
You by a similar/better house in AISD and pay $150,000 because of the "bad schools"
Your kid is in honors classes and gets about the same education (more money in Eanes probably leads to some better opportunities, but my experience has been smart kids are the same everywhere).
10 years later, it's time to sell.
Your house in Eanes is worth $400,000 because of the good schools. Your kid graduated in the 15th %ile of his class and was denied admission to UT. You need the $100,000 profit from the house to pay for Rice.
Your house in AISD is worth only $200,000 because of the schools. Your kid graduated in the top 5%ile and can attend UT. The money you saved in mortgage payments funded an every-two-years vacation to Europe.
5 years later, your kid graduates from college and gets about the same job.
Was it worth it to spend all that extra money on a house?