PVU vs. UT


Pimp Daddy
Well here we are again. They are playing so here I am.
It may not be a totally meaningless game, but it's close.
Urban again is the Tuesday starter and the lead off man bunts and there is no play and it's a hit.

Next man with the sac bunt moves the runner over with one away.

A fly ball to Weis in left is out two. Another line up shake up it seems.

A liner to Payton in right and that ends the inning.

Texas comes to bat with no score.
Stell leads off and grounds one into the hole at short and beats it out for an infield hit to put a man on.

Carter at third tonight bats second and a wild pitch moves Stell to second.

Carter grounds out to third and Stell holds at second.

Hinojosa grounds up the middle and the second baseman dives and recovers and throws out C.J. on a very nice play for the second out.

Stell moves to third and it brings op Payton with two away.

He grounds out to short to end the inning and the threat.

No score after one.
Urban out for the second and a ground ball to first is out one.

A ground ball to first again is out two.

A four pitch walk puts a man on with two out.

Now a fly ball to Stell in center ends the inning.

No score to the bottom of two.
Weis leads off the second flies to center for out one.

Felts the DH tonight grounds out to second for two away.

B. Marlow grounds out to short to retire the side.

No score after two completed.
Urban out for the third gets the lead off man in the third on a ground ball toward the hole on the right side that McElroy playing first tonight ranges over and flags it down and flips to Urban covering for the first out.

A ground ball to third is out two.

A slow chopper to short is charge by Hinojosa, but he can't make the bare handed play and it's an infield hit again for PVU as both their hits are with the other a bunt that lead off the game.

A ground ball to second ends the inning.

To the bottom of the third now with no score.
Montalbano catching this game leads off the third and he
flies out to deep right for out one.

McElroy pops up to to first for out two.

Back to the top of the order again with Stell and he bunts, but is thown out by the third baseman to retire the side.

No score after three innings.
Urban out again for the fourth retires the first hitter on a grounder to third for one away.

A line drive down the line in left falls fair and it results in a double for the first well struck ball against Urban.

A ground ball off Urban's glove deflects to Carter and he throws out the batter for out two 1-5-3.

A ground ball to short ends the inning.

No score to the bottom of four.
Carter leads off the fourth with a fly ball to right for out one.

HInojosa grounds out to second again for out two.

Payton grounds a single up the middle to put a man on with two away.

Weis flies out to center to end the inning.

No score after four complete.
Urban still on the hill in the fifth gives up a lead off line drive single to right to a man on.

The sac bunt is down and it moves the runner to second with one away.

A fly ball to cener is out two as the runner holds at second.

A fly ball to right ends the inning.

Halfway through the game and there is no score. Imagine that no score still. I have never seen so many 0's put up game after game in my baseball life.
Felts leads off the fifth angainst PVU righty Lunceford wih comes into this inning only have thrown 38 pitches.

Felts grounds out again to third for out one.

B. Marlow grounds out to short for out two.

Montalbano with a check swing pop out to first is out three.

No score after five innings of play.
Duke takes over in the sixth on the mound and K's his first batter looking for out one.

A ground ball to second is out two.

A ground ball up the middle is a single as PVU continues it's string of having a base runner every inning.

A ground ball to third continues their string of also not scoring as it retires the side.

To the bottom of six now with you guessed it no score.
McElroy leads off and K's looking for out one.

Stell is on with a HBP.

Stell steals second as Carter bats.

Carter grounds out to first for the second out as Stell moves to third.

Hinojosa flies out to right to end the inning.

Another left at third and still no score after six now.
Duke out for his second inning now and lines a single to right and Payton juggles the ball and the runner tries to reach second, but Payton guns him down for the first out on a 9-6 put out.

The next batter K's swinging as he is hit by the pitch.

A fly ball down the line in right drops fair barely and the runner makes a big turn, but holds with a single after seenig Payton's arm earlier this inning.

Skip comes out to the mound after the two hits, but Duke stays on.

PVU continues to put runners on every inning and continues not to score as the next man is out looking for a K that ends the inning.

To the stretch and of course no score.
Payton leads off the seventh for Texas as the PVU starter Lunceford is still out there shutting us down so far as he joins the ranks of many that have.

Payton flies out to deep right center for the first out.

Weis grounds out to second.

Felts cues a grounder to second and the second baseman boots it for an error to put a two out runner at first.

B. Marlow lines a single to left to put two on with two away.

Montalbano doubles to left and Felts scores to give Texas a 1-0 lead. It took an unearned run, but it's a run.

McElroy flies out to right to end the inning.

Thanks to the two out and nobody on error Texas leads 1-0 after seven.
Ty Marlow is on now to pitch in the eighth and his first batter K's looking for out one.

A pop up is caught by Ty Marlow as he waves everybody off for out two.

A double down the line in left keeps the runner every inning streak going for PVU.

A deep fly ball to center is run down by Stell to also keep the PVU streak of not scoring alive also.

Bottom of eight with Texas leading 1-0.
Lunceford is still out there in the eighth and Stell leads off for Texas.

Stell pops up to second for out one.

Carter singles up the middle.

Hinojosa K's swinging as Carter steals second for out two.

Payton grounds out to first to end the inning.

Great game for the PVU pitcher as he shuts out Texas except for an unearned run on an error on an easy grounder.

Sometimes of course it's hard to tell how good a pitcher is against Texas, but it's a big moment for Lunceford.
Still he is up for the tough loss as Texas leads 1-0 as we head for the ninth.
NB we can always count on you. Wow another 1-0 game involving the Horns what a shock.
Knebel in to pitch the ninth and try to get the save and his first batter pops out to short for one away.

A ground ball to short is out two.

A fly ball to left retires the side and ends the game.

Texas wins 1-0 against a bad Prarie View team on an unearned run.

Take it anyway you like I leave it up to you.
NB, thank you for your incredible dedication to recording the game action here -- and your observations re the games and the season.

I could have gone to the game this evening, but had more pressing things to do at home and watched it on LHN.

But no matter whether I'm at the Disch or watch it on TV, afterwards I always come to this board to see your comments.

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