PSA: Shut up w/ the mudhole


25+ Posts
Please stop saying we're going ot 'mudhole' TCU or anybody else other than Rice, UNT, et al.

After saying we're going to mudhole K. State and A&M, I'd say its a friggin' jinx. Shut up, please.... ty.
we will mudhole tcu... they suck.. i started looking up stats from last few years not impressive.. tech ou and aggy are better teams next year
Dude ... the mudhole factor is way over 99.2% for us mudholists. I take offense to your anti-mudhole stance. TCU has a mudhole coming.
Also, make sure if you are watching the game and Texas has the lead, DO NOT MOVE AN INCH! Simply shifting your weight can be catastrophic. And make damn sure you don't go to the bathroom.

Now if Texas is losing go change your clothes and open a fresh beer IMMEDIATELY!

That is all.
Ah. The old "mudhole" posts by horndfl/close to jumping were the gifts of this board when the Horns were only a few days away from a big game. The mudhole posts were colorful and humorous diatribes that were ultimately packed with savvy breakdowns between the strenghts and weaknesses of another team, accompanied with detailed descriptions and solid breakdowns of individual players. While I truly enjoyed the "mudhole" posts, they weren't the guy's best work. His best stuff was when he'd hone in on one specific aspect of the team and scrutinize and celebrate with maximum effort. Actually, any post from horndfl would light this board up like a Christmas tree. Even just reading a response to a thread by dfl was a treasure. He always provided solid insight and was mainly just flat-out entertaining.

That makes me wonder about what happened to all of the homerun hitters from yester ago.

We lost ol' Phx, bless him. What the Hell ever happened to Scipio Tex?

I would literally pay a monthly fee if someone could harness those guys in an internet posting sweatshop and force them to churn something out at least once a week. I'm sure I'm not alone.
^ same here. The horndfls, scipio tex, etc.were awesome posts. the people not on the board during those times missed out big time. I fully expect to see a horndfl/close to jumping mudhole post on TCU.
I have personally mudholed mudholes in a very angry way and I am not ashamed of my mudholing technique
Everyone should ease off of the original poster. I've seen the dude post before, and I'd imagine that if he'd been around he would have taken delight in the mudhole posts like the rest of us. I see his angle. I want to rip my fingernails off when I have to glance twice at the word "idiot" to see if someone wrote "idoit." Catch phrase repetition drains all humans. Once agian, few people, if any, derived enmity at the smart energy that horndfl and his mudhole business brought to the board.

Where is that cat?

Anyway, speaking of ghosts, the bonus to those threads were when HenryJames would chime in with something random, seemingly just to pester horndfl. Then you'd see guys like scally and sizzlechest bounce in only to cast hilarious gestures of insincerity to everyone. That would then be followed by dfl. ignoring that and then proceeding to categorically rape almost everyone of the rest of his dissenters with a laser-guided eloquence. After wading through that, someone like Doperbo, Scipio or Phx. would just sprinkle the mountain with more great football takes and observations.

If there had ever been a popcorn vendor in the vicinity of my monitor while I stumbled upon one of those threads he would've made a killing.
Arkansas 2003 was the original mudhole post, as far as I'm aware. The
that ensued afterward was the stuff of legends.

DFL still posts anti-Astros rants occasionally on the baseball board, but I haven't seen him elsewhere, nor have I seen evidence of him in a few months.
Is it all-right to use "mudhole" in the past tense? (As in, "We stomped a mudhole in Sam Houston State" or "Elbow Drop Guy stomped a mudhole in Albert the Alligator")

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