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Allow me to rant.
Everyday i get behind buffoons who stop for school buses when they don't have to. Maybe a PSA on when you have to and when you DON'T have to will be helpful for everyone.
In a neighborhood with the standard one way streets. YES... you have to stop
In any circumstance where its 4 lanes or less WITH NO MEDIAN... YES you have to stop.
If there is a 5th lane... also known as a cheat lane... YOU DO NOT HAVE TO STOP IF YOU ARE GOING THE OPPOSITE DIRECTION. Did you really think the busdriver would have the kid cross 4 lanes on a 55 mph road? Common sense people.
If there is no 5th lane, but there is a median. (trees and such). YOU DO NOT HAVE TO STOP IF YOU ARE GOING THE OPPOSITE DIRECTION.
If you disobey the law they hit you hard... so I guess that's why everyone is a pansy right now. The fines can double... so pay attention. But COME ON. Use your head. Don't stop traffic on a 55mph road just because 4 lanes away from you in the opposite direction a school bus is stopping.
PS: All those circumstances would be illegal if you live in
* Alabama
* Arkansas
* Mississippi
* New York State
* West Virginia
Finally, if i've misinterpreted any of this... correct me please.
Everyday i get behind buffoons who stop for school buses when they don't have to. Maybe a PSA on when you have to and when you DON'T have to will be helpful for everyone.
In a neighborhood with the standard one way streets. YES... you have to stop
In any circumstance where its 4 lanes or less WITH NO MEDIAN... YES you have to stop.
If there is a 5th lane... also known as a cheat lane... YOU DO NOT HAVE TO STOP IF YOU ARE GOING THE OPPOSITE DIRECTION. Did you really think the busdriver would have the kid cross 4 lanes on a 55 mph road? Common sense people.
If there is no 5th lane, but there is a median. (trees and such). YOU DO NOT HAVE TO STOP IF YOU ARE GOING THE OPPOSITE DIRECTION.
If you disobey the law they hit you hard... so I guess that's why everyone is a pansy right now. The fines can double... so pay attention. But COME ON. Use your head. Don't stop traffic on a 55mph road just because 4 lanes away from you in the opposite direction a school bus is stopping.
PS: All those circumstances would be illegal if you live in
* Alabama
* Arkansas
* Mississippi
* New York State
* West Virginia
Finally, if i've misinterpreted any of this... correct me please.