PSA: King Crab Legs


250+ Posts
Just a heads up to everyone, HEB has king crab legs for $9.99/lb. The butcher told me they only sell them at this price around Father's Day and New Year's Day. I got a couple small legs to go with our steaks tonight. Gonna throw them on the grill for 5-10 minutes and serve with melted garlic butter. I'm pumped!!!
which heb?

i dont wrap them, i just cut a slit in the shells lengthwise with scissors and throw them on indirect heat, you can tell when they are done by the meat starting to pull, not much time at all. smokey crab legs and drawn butter, yum
GakFoo - I was at the HEB on Louis Henna in Round Rock, but I'm pretty sure all HEB's are doing it through Jan. 2. I need to try them your way, I've always just thrown them on over somewhat indirect heat.
thanks for the tip #3 -- i will definitely hit the heb in my neighborhood. i'll usually put them on and indirect cook/smoke them with the cut side facing up and baste with drawn butter and lemon juice mixed a couple times during the process to keep the meat moist as it cooks. a couple of times that i've done surf and turf like that on the grill i went overboard and bought a couple king crab legs at central market almost as big as my arm and ended up not even touching the steak and leaving nice steak leftovers for my wife...
9.99 is a good deal i will do a bunch this weekend
I know everyone on this board wants pics - so here is my dinner


Here's another PSA - My HEB has also had prime sirloin steaks at $6.99/lb. for the last 2 weeks or so. I can't usually drop the $$ on the good **** (darn kids)
, so this has been gold. A prime steak at $6.99/ lb.!!! It's a damn good steak for the price, especially if you can get a nice thick cut.
Actually, it's even BETTER than what # 3 said... if they still have 'em, get the "centers" for the same $$.

This is basically the part that does NOT have the pointy tip & it means more meat with less work. The ones we got (Oak Hill @ the Y) on the 23rd already have a 'slit' up the side.

I got a bag of Zatarains (comes in a box) & tossed it in with 3 whole lemons cut up. 3 lbs 'o crab, boiled. The longer you can let it sit in the hot, flavored water the better (to a point, anyhow).

Oh, & get GHEE - it's drawn butter with the fat removed. Central Market will have it, but not HEB or Albertson's (well, maybe one of the upscale HEB's like the new one on Slaughter @ Circle C, but not my redneck HEB in Oak Hill).

I just got back from Albertsons where they have t-bones for $4.99 a pound and king crab legs for $7.99 a pound. Also have giant shrimp for $5.49 a pound. I'm saving the seafood for this weekend, but I had them cut me an inch and a half t-bone that is resting as I type.
After reading this thread, our NYE dinner was grilled King Crab legs w/garlic butter and lemon juice and two nice prime filet mignons.

It was incredible! I've only boiled crab legs before this!
For the most part, king crab in the US is pre-cooked, so all you really have to do is heat it up in some way (assuming you don't want to eat it cold). Steam works very well.

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