Nobody on the air questioned his allegiance to UT, but they asked him why they don't see him around Austin much and how much contact does he have with the program.
To paraphrase, he said he talks to Mack every few weeks, talks to lots of former teammates all the time, both those in the league and he named a few others that are not. He said he gets really angry when he hears (or presumably reads on Hornfans) that people think he wasn't happy here or wishes he hadn't come here.
He said he knew there was a lot of pressure to win here and that is precisely why he chose Texas. You're expected to beat OU here and when you don't you can expect to hear some boos, you deal with it and move on. He said he has a Longhorn tattoo and he loved his time here looks forward to coming back to Austin this off-season.
They said you can listen to the interview online at the Sports Buffet, but I have no idea what that is and a few minutes of googling it turned up nothing about Simms. I'm sure someone else on here can post the link.