Props to the Furman Paladins

When I was living in the grad student section of Jester East some 40 years ago, there was an attractive blonde there who got her undergrad degree from Furman. She had the most delightful Carolinian accent.
Another round of props to the Furman Paladins (#13 seed) for bumping off Virginia (#4 seed) 68-67 with a late 3-pointer in Round 1.

(Susan B., I hope you are enjoying this.)
I think it’s like a knight or something like that.

although when I hear the term I can't help but think of Richard Boone in “Have Gun, Will Travel”

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I've seen the last 2 minutes of that game a few times and I have to say Furman made the shots, but Virginia absolutely dead brained that game away. Two missed free throws, a senior throwing the ball randomly in the air with 10 seconds left when you have a time out. That Furman guy who nailed two FT near the end was shooting 50% for the year and had not made two FT in the same trip to the line all year. Ballsy.

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