Mississippi lawmakers (both a pub and dem) have proposed a bill that would prohibit restaurants from serving obese people. Although the bill is likely to die upon arrival, this is just another sign of what lawmakers would like to do if given the chance. Although I personally find it offensive to eat in the presence of someone that is as big as a table, it is their right to eat themselves to death if they wish and it is my right to get up and leave the public establishment.
FYI for all of you that are for socailized medicine. Once that passes, it will be no time at all before those persons that are overweight are taxed and therefore subject to additional scrutiny and penalized for the additional health costs they will face over a more healthy person. That is all...
The Link
FYI for all of you that are for socailized medicine. Once that passes, it will be no time at all before those persons that are overweight are taxed and therefore subject to additional scrutiny and penalized for the additional health costs they will face over a more healthy person. That is all...
The Link