President Obama's 'Buffett Rule'


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President Obama seems to be doing his job of leading the federal gov't and giving his plan/vision on how to increase jobs and how to cut the deficit.

"The plan Obama will release includes some $3 trillion in savings on top of the approximately $1 trillion called for under the debt ceiling deal enacted in August. Of that, however, close to $500 billion would have to be used to pay for the American Jobs Act, which Obama proposed last week."

Certainly I don't expect the Republicans in the House to actually take a plan that President Obama proposes and to flesh it out in legislation and then vote for it. They have already drawn the line in the sand against increased taxes. But they have also made it known that their main priority is to decrease the size of the federal gov't and to decrease spending....which this plan clearly does. I think it is time for the Republicans to choose what they want most.....decreased spending and deficit reduction or no increase in taxation. Seems to me that if you are getting a plan that has decreased spending that you should reasonably consider a simultaneous plan to increase taxation. Certainly they would not want to increase taxation if there was no clear plan showing large enough spending/deficit reductions. But with one on the table they need to choose.

Seems to me that tea party voters are more interested in spending reductions than they are concerned about how much the very wealthy pay in taxes. If they listen to their voters then they should be in favor of a plan like this. It in my mind, is the only sensible thing to do. And if in 2 or 4 years we find that these taxes are negatively impacting job growth then they can be reversed. Time to tighten the belt buckle and simultaneously increase revenue to pay down the deficit. Let's give it a try. It did work well for us in the last 90s.
More class warfare, and no real cuts in anything.

That's freaking awesome.
Obama should prove he can cut spending significantly first. We know he knows how to spend, more than anyone else previously with Pelosi/Reid/Obama in charge.
Wow I agree with you. You posted
'. We believe that there are too many government programs already - we don't need to streamline them to make them more efficient, we need to eliminate them."

Not only do I agree with you but Obama agrees with you:
""I will also go through the federal budget, line by line, eliminating programs that no longer work and making the ones we do need work better and cost less..."
-- Obama in Denver
AUGUST 28, 2008

Obama ?What happened?
Your quote in the OP says that of the $1T in savings with the Budget resolution last month, that $500 Bill of that will be used to pay for this new jobs bill.

So 1/2 of our savings are actually going to be spent!!! What am I missing? All this is moving money around it is not savings or debt reduction or any reduction in spending.

How can any sane person be for this? Taxing the wealthy as has been stated time and time again, alters behavior and what little investment going on in this country dries up even further.

Most of the people that have the money have earned the money and they know how to make money. If their taxes go up they will just sit on the money, if the money is not creating additional revenues you cannot tax it. To tax the rich people you have to entice them to invest and create Capital Gains, additional taxes encourages them to not invest and to sit tight.

If you want to keep up the Class Warfare have at it, but it is pure comedy at this point.
I ask this is all seriousness.
last week during one of Obama's jobs speeches he outlined over 400 Bilion is new taxes, mostly on the rich

Today he is outlining 1.4 Trillion in new taxes including the " Buffertt" tax mentioned in the OP

So is the 1.4 trillion in addition to the 400 billion tax increases from last week?
Drastically reduce government spending first... prove to me that the government can get their fiscal pocketbook in order and stop wasting my money on buying votes. Then come and ask me for more of my hard-earned money. ******* clowns.
Its hard to talk about giving the US government more money when they just threw away $500 MM on some green energy scam. This type of waste is indicative of an entity that has TOO MUCH disposable income not too little. Make an honest effort to reduce fraud, waste, inefficiency, and ineffective programs and then lets talk about tax increases.
Pharm- Honestly, you have been going off the deep end with your posts lately. You are actually claiming this POS is leadership. Did you even read it? It is the same old ****.

From your link, he proposes $580B in spending cuts. A horribly low number and it isnt even real. He says $248B from Medicare but then admits that freaking 90% of the cuts will actually be from "reducing overpayments in the system". Is he ******* serious? He is saying there is $223B in overpayments yet no one has lost their job and no one has been arrested for over billing or anything. True leadership right there.

For the record, I agree completely that there is that much fraud and waste in the program. But guys like you and BO favor a single payor system. What a ******* joke. Only the hubris of a politician could argue that a govt payment system will cut costs in health insurance while at the same time offering a plan that openly admits that the same single payor has waste and fraud of $223B in one of the programs it services. Honestly this has to be some kind of joke.

How about this nugget " $92.2 billion the administration estimates it can save from "restructuring government operations and reducing government liabilities"". Once again the hubris of openly admiting you have another $92B in waste but need to pass a bill to get rid of it?

Further, everyone (I am guessing even you) agreed that we have a spending problem. Most sane people argue for severe cuts to spending coupled with increased revenue. Somewhere along the lines of a 75%-25% split with spending being the 75%. BO trots out specific tax increases of $1.5T and spending cuts of less than 1/3 of that total. It is so typical. He knows that wont ever get passed.

There are almost too many stupid things to respond to. Take out waste and fraud and he proposed cuts of about $180B or so when we have a $3T deficit.

This is the worst kind of leadership.
The $1T war money that he mentioned..hasn't already been accounted for in future budgets? What I mean is, didn't we already know that money was coming home and put it in the budget already? Why is he acting like this is new money?

I don't like lumping the $200k-$250k in with millionaires or even 1/2 millionaires. There is just too much of a difference in that.

Also, Buffet is playing O for a fool, again. Guess, who is going to benefit big time from tax increases.
Hornpharmd, look this is all politics, pure and simple. THAT is why it is class warfare. That is exactly what Obama wants politically.

If this was truly a sound idea, he could have done it when he controlled the Congress. But he extended the Bush plan instead. Now why is that?

My actual Tax position since 2008 has been hold my personal income tax where it is is at, I can handle that right now.

What I want addressed is the Corporate Tax Rate and the Capital Gains Tax. I believe we could both of them on a 10 year schedule that would encourage job growth and a kick start to the economy. It has worked time and time again in both Democratic administrations and Republican administrations.

The point of my post is I am tired of the raise the tax rate on anyone, when the government can't control it's spending.

Someone mentioned it above, Federal Government prove to me you can control your spending and waste and then we can talk about increasing revenues. I believe that is what you lawyers call Quid Pro Quo? or something like that.
this plan is nothing more than further proof that Barack Obama is a furking dumbass who has no idea or intention of dealing with a financial crisis staring us in the face. It is also proof that his bootlickers do not GAF that he is a dumbass.

I believe there is an inherent(sp) risk in cutting spending right now. I could even go along with putting a lid on it.

I would rather cut spending or at least halt it or change government budgeting philosphies and give that money to companies that will hire people and get this economy out of the sludge that we are in.......I would ideally like to take a hatchet to the Federal government but I know it is not wise at this time, instead I would like to put a lid on it and keep that lid on for X number of years.

The budgeting problems with the Federal Government are another whole can of worms, included is defense budgeting.

To raise taxes on anyone or anything right now is just plain wrong, stupid and will halt any growth that this country is still seeing.

Investment is what is needed in people, materials and innovation(not green energy right now).
Public Servant must balance the budget first. Asinine tax hike proposals like this will only advertise him as a power crazed totalitarian by election time.

State and local governments can always raise taxes to make up for centralized government's budget balancing or perhaps expand on the art of ignoring federal law and regulation.

Imagine sanctuary cities where it is the EPA, HUD, DOE which are ignored.
It would really be targeting the wealthy if the wealthy also hadn't been targeted for special treats and breaks over the years.

If your perspective is now- they are targets. If your perspective is more than 5 years, the wealthy aren't targets at all. I'd call it Indian Giving instead.

Secondly- I hate it when I hear "tax the job creators." Everyone is a job creator- it's just that it requires more poor people to create the same amount of jobs as it does richer people. All people, rich and poor, spend money and create jobs.
So as it turns out The people affected by the Buffett rule already pay over 20% of federal income taxes even though they are 0.2% of filers

What do you obama supporters think their fair share should be?
does every tax filer have a fair share they should pay?

They pay a disproportionate share not because they are targets- but because of something called "math."

This entire thread and board is getting so old lately as the same retards post the same factless, baseless posts with the same, repetitive thoughts over and over again about their theories and why they hate [insert party or person.]

There is no way to discuss issues with people who don't care about information, learning or discussing..
EXACTLY math, yes this is math
so 0.2% pay over 20%
Do you not think that is their fair share?
What % , as a segment, would you have the Buffett rule people pay?

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