President Biden - Psalm 109:8


500+ Posts
Got this from a friend. While I do not wish Joe Biden to have few days to live, I do want a change in leadership in the 2024 election.

May his days be few; may another take his place of leadership.

Could not agree with you more. Sad but true. His own party is turning on him and I don't know if he realizes it.
I do not understand how they can subject him to that.

His own family subjects him to that and he is a willing accomplice. On multiple levels. that is truly sad. While I do not dislike Joe Biden personally, he is a weak leader and an embarrassment on the global stage. We need someone not named Biden or Harris in the Oval Office.
I do dislike Biden. His record of lying and scheming for 45 years of public office is shameful.

While I do not personally dislike President Biden, I agree that he puts family before country. Upon further review, I am disliking this President more and more. I didn't vote for him, and I still don't think he won fair and square. As a citizen and vet, that makes me more determined to help turn this country around.

I unapologetically embrace American Exceptionalism in our technology, innovation and military. We should stand by our Allies and oppose our Foes. While I am not a warmonger, we need to stand strong.

If you are an agent of a foreign power and want to steal American Intellectual Property you should be deported. Get out.

We need new leadership that puts America First.
I think Biden is the worst POTUS ever and he also qualifies as the most corrupt. I think he could ultimately destroy our country. So in that regard, I would not piss on him if he was on fire.
Too true But I also have even more anger for Jill and whoever is calling the shots and destroying our country.
Not to mention all the Demx pols media etc .
I don't think I'm going to vote for the guy, but I don't wish him ill at all. I hope the remainder of his life is healthy and happy.
I don't think I'm going to vote for the guy, but I don't wish him ill at all. I hope the remainder of his life is healthy and happy.
He is allowing lots of families to suffer through fentanyl deaths due to open borders. F him.

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