Preserving hardwood floors


Hornin NYC

New place has nice oak strip floors, I'm super paranoid about fuckign them up to the extent I'm trying not to wear shoes.

Any tips? What do you do about furniture?
use furniture pads, figure out what kind of finish it has, wax, surface finish, etc. care depends on the type of finish. avoid standing water, even dampness, keep it swept so as to avoid scratches, avoid exposure to sun, if it is engineered wood, use the manufacturer's recommended cleaning supplies so as to not void the warranty (if one is remaning or in existence), don't assume oil soap can be used, a lot of floors should be cleaned with other products, don't use amonnia based cleaners ever... it all starts from the basis of what type of finish you have.
How recently were they finished? When they are finished there is typically 1-2 layers of polyurethane that protect the floors.

Dropping heavy objects will damage the floors because they can cut the wood, but other than that, most scratches or dings only give the floor character. For furniture, buy the felt strips/circles and put them on the legs of chairs, etc. The work great and you can't notice them.

We've had oak floors in 2 houses with 3 kids and havfe had no problems, except w/ water damage.
Before I moved in they were sanded and polyurethaned (sp)

Murphy's oil sop ok for that?
Don't worry about it; if they were sanded and sealed before you moved in, they are pretty safe. Good advice re: sweeping to keep them clean. Unless you have kids or drop a bunch of stuff on them, they'll look good for a long time. I give my dogs big bones to chew on (outside), and their favorite hobby is to bring them in my house and drop them on the floor in front of me, usually right on a corner of the bone, so I have some pretty big divots, but I don't mind - it gives it some character...

A good sponge mopping or wet Swiffer as needed never hurts either. That wet Swiffer is awesome; no bucket or anything, and you just throw them away when done.
Thanks, i've never had a nice place before and I want to keep it that way.

Is this what you mean?


Here are two wood floor care websites. They differ on some things so consider that. I'd check the swiffer wetjet contents to make sure it doesn't contain ammonia.

I wouldn't go nuts about it, but I'd definently put some thought into your care routine and then keep up with it just like with anything else. But certainly, there is no need to go nazi about it.
Yes. Just the plain one, not "wet-jet".

I don't know about ammonia, etc, but the links provided say it's not good. All I can say is I've used the wet swiffer for 5 years, usually once a week or so, and never had a problem. As the previous poster said, you can be a nazi about it, but not necessary. I would recommend using it after a particularly vigorous threesome on the floor, though.

Oh, yeah, definitely get the little felt pads to attach to the feet of your furniture. That is the most important thing for keeping it scratch-free.
I just had some oak floors installed to match some existing oak floors in a house I recently bought. Here are some cleaning tips from an Austin installer:
Link 1

They tell you to buy this stuff for regular cleaning which I did a few weeks ago:Link 2
I use a dust mop and a solution similar to that in link number 2 provided above. I wouldn't use oil soap.

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