Predict Horns vs. Bye

After the win against OK Lite, the Horns take it easier than they should against Bye, which gets a late touchdown and regulation ends with a 7-7 tie.

In the 3rd OT, the Horns prevail, 25-23.
(someone please check my math on that)

Pass defense continues to be an issue. On the plus side, no injuries.
After emotional game with the Pokes, I'm concerned about a letdown vs. BYE this week.

No prediction from me on this one....
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My sense is this is the network's way of saying they miss us already

Week 5 in college football:
ABC's biggest game -- Ohio State at Nebraska -- has a 17.5-point spread.
FOX's biggest game -- Texas Tech at Oklahoma -- has a 25.5-point spread.
CBS's biggest game -- Ole Miss at Alabama -- has a 35-point spread
My predictions vs Bye

1) We still don't put Sam under center and sneak on fourth in spite of the fact that Bye doesn't put anyone over the center.

2) We get six false start penalties because the jumbtron has turned into "Hal" from 2001 and won't obey commands

3) Walleye Burks assigns yet another group of high school rejects from the West Coast as officials resulting in a game rivaling the infamous Percy Penn game when the second half was almost three hours

4) Charlie Strong offers to send Tom Herman an instructional guide on most effective ways to say, "We just have to play better".
1. You must have a minimum of nine predictions entered to qualify for the season prediction championship. There are twelve regular season games so this will accommodate anyone who misses a few picks.

As the current Hornfans prediction contest leader even I know my limits. I wouldn't touch this one with a 10 foot pole. I'll be sitting out this week and would encourage everyone else to do the same. It's just not worth the risk to your standing, folks. :hookem:
As many of you have correctly pointed out, this is an extremely difficult game to predict. Why, some may ask??

Well, for one bye is undefeated; and two, they have not won a game. Not only that, but Bye refuses to share film with us, so how do we prepare for them?

I do think Sam and the receivers will have a very good game. Throwing against Bye's standout corner, Air, will be no problem as Brennen Eagles has already stated he will cut through, over and around Air like a hot knife through butter--SHAZAMM buddy!

Still, somehow Bye has not lost a game. So I am following the wisdom of El Sapo and skipping any and all predictions this week.
Bye is like a floating air biscuit, it stinks and it's hot but then it just disappears into the night! You cant tell where it came from or where it's going. It's a vapor cloud. I cannot be held responsible for predicting the outcome of a floating air biscuit! I must abstain from a prediction as well.

Good luck to all of you who attempt this prediction. Very precarious!

:ousucksnana: :smokin: :hookem2:
Dropped punts will go down to just 1.

Seriously, I hope we spend some of the off week time working on special teams...
My prediction for Bye?
A boring week with insane, off topic posts on Hornfans.
I dunno, could be a Monster battle of epic proportions, much like WWII. Bye usually comes up with a couple of really sneaky trick plays. Throw that in with a couple of Texas fumbled punts it may come down to the last play of the game.

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