pork loin

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how long do you bbq your pork loin? I have one that is a little over 5 pounds and was gonna cook it for the game this weekend. I want to have it done by the 11:00 kick-off. Is it like brisket at an hour per pound or is it less? Thanks in advance.

Plus I would like to see what ya'lls method for cooking them are? seasonings? do you wrap it? etc. I don't want all you secrets but anything will help. Again thanks in advance>
Brine it and cook it any way you want.

Our local Kroger has boneless pork loin on sale for $.99 and I am going to fill the freezer. We will grind some to make chili today. Hey, it is a lot cheaper than hamburger and pork loin should make excellent chili.

You can sear it on all sides and fast cook it in a hot oven. Cook it on the grill. Slice it and cook like pork chops. Do a fast saute on the slices and smother it in mushroom gravy. Simmer until fork tender.

It is also excellent cubed, sauted, and used in stews or soup.
I usually smoke mine for about 2 hours, around 200-225. If you're unsure, you can always use an instant-read meat thermometer. I let them get to about 140, and then pull and wrap them in foil. The carry-over takes them to about 150. I believe that is under what most cooking authorities advise for pork done-ness (most say go to 160), so follow this advice at your own risk and use your own judgment. But the less you cook it, the more tender, moist, and flavorful it will be.

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