Pope Francis further pushing agendas


de Plorable
I see he has removed Bishop Strickland in Tyler for basically adhering to conservative Catholic orthodoxy. Interim is the Austin Bishop, which I don't see sitting well in Tyler...

I can see a removal for cause, like covering up abuse, but NOT for overseeing the traditional teachings of the faith.

Seems Pope was also aggrieved by things such as Latin Mass...
I never said WE did. Did I?
Surely you know there is an election?
The Cardinals voted him in. Some including some Bishops are not happy with the pope.
Not unlike Demx who are now unhappy with the people they elected.
I see he has removed Bishop Strickland in Tyler for basically adhering to conservative Catholic orthodoxy. Interim is the Austin Bishop, which I don't see sitting well in Tyler...

I can see a removal for cause, like covering up abuse, but NOT for overseeing the traditional teachings of the faith.

Seems Pope was also aggrieved by things such as Latin Mass...

Not Catholic so does that mean everything was in Latin for the service? Anyone in Tyler understand that?
Pope Francis has pushed to severely restrict the times and locations where the traditional Latin High Mass can be said. I have yet to hear a reason I can easily understand.
I am surprised.
Not surprised slojo had to speak out against the Vatican's position. Clearly Demx think Catholics are safe Demx voters but were afraid of alienating the what? 1% or 2% mothers who think it is ok to endanger or mutilate a child?
Francis is good on this stuff (good vs evil). He needs to stay away from the Marxist stuff:

Francis is good on this stuff (good vs evil). He needs to stay away from the Marxist stuff:

Actually, the devil is responsible for our securlarized world, the occult, satanism, and communism. If he is a communist he is at the same time all the things he just wrote against. Maybe this is just an attempt to deceive the last few who still trust him about anything.
Sorry I don't agree with this from ^link
"Since the end of World War II, countries in the West have recognized that immigration restrictions must be waved when confronted with refugees fleeing persecution."
Maybe the UN could step in and prevent the persecution there which would keep people in their own country?
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Sorry I don't agree with this from ^link
"Since the end of World War II, countries in the West have recognized that immigration restrictions must be waved when confronted with refugees fleeing persecution."
Maybe the UN could step in and prevent the persecution there by keeping people in their own country?
Why not countries in the East?
I see an American Bishop has called out Red Francis for his whiny criticism of America pointing out the 39 ft wall around the Vatican
The American Bishop also points out Francis wants to protect the Billions Catholic Charities get every year from American taxpayers
I see an American Bishop has called out Red Francis for his whiny criticism of America pointing out the 39 ft wall around the Vatican
The American Bishop also points out Francis wants to protect the Billions Catholic Charities get every year from American taxpayers
I’m Catholic and the pope is off the reservation on this. I said before that outside globalist ******** like immigration and global warming, he’s pretty good on spirituality.
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The Pope can still tell them they should take them
And they can still say NO!

Their decision can easily be based on the reality of the Pope having gone against church teachings too many times, and I don't mean eating meat on Friday.

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