Poor Sanchez


100+ Posts
Someone has to post the vid of Sanchez throwing his hat (or something) when walking to the locker room in the tunnel. Classic spoiled usc.
The sight of an overrated USC QB stomping back to his respective locker room after an unexpected loss(in their eyes) never gets old.
You'd have thought they (USC) had won the Super Bowl when they tipped that field goal attempt in the fourth quarter.

Bravo to Oregon State for hanging tough all the way to the end.
The title of this thread should be Dirty Sanchez.

some of us call him the night stalker....lol

you should've heard the rah rahs during last year and this off-season, oooh Sanchez is the man, it was all Booty's fault, just wait blah blah blah

Another #1 HS QB isn't good enough for USC and the rah rahs still think it's not coaching.

He was frustrated knowing USC had the better team. Only Matt Leinhart would understand the feeling.
That interception that he threw in the fourth quarter was perhaps the worst thrown ball I've seen in awhile. It was 10 feet over the receiver's head and it wasn't like the guy was that far away when Sanchez threw it.
i think folks should lay off sanchez. listening to him in interviews, he seems to be a pretty down to earth kid. not arrogant at all. pretty much the exact opposite of "we were the better team" leinart. it's not sanchez's fault that espn spends all day felating him for going to usc.

if folks want to bag on him for his alleged legal issues, that is a different story.
We are all happy to see USC lose as it just helps us, short and long term.

I will say though that it is downright aggy to make fun of Sanchez, who is obviously a pretty damn good QB, but struggles just like everyone else.

Bag an him if you'd like, but don't pretend that he deserves it because he is arrogant. He is winner (though not tonight
)and acts like it. We appreciate cockiness in our own players, but we act like aggy when we bash a player for unfounded reasons.
Seriously, don't be like aggy, and lay off on Sanchez. The kid didn't do anything to deserve that spoiled crap. Read up his story sometime. ESPN did a segment on it.

Seems pretty down to earth if you ask me.
The sweet kid violently flung an object against a concrete wall. Looked like a cell phone to me but happened so fast it was hard to see. Someone from USC following him picked it up.
Sanchez was displaying the frustration any real competitor feels after a loss. I don't think it is fair to throw him in the Whinert bin just yet.

My pleasure comes from seeing SPN exposed for the windbags they are collectively. Their collective lovefest for the condoms the last four years is tiresome.

They continue the myth about Pete and his abilitiy when he has extended time to prepare.....when it is obviously BS. USC is an incredibly talented football team, that is just as human as the rest on the planet, they make mistakes.

The pregame show spent time hugging the trojans and badmouthing the Longhorns, man that song is old.
They were badmouthing the horns during the USC-OSU pregame? I didn't start watching till the 2nd quarter.

WTF? Really? Do they have nothing better? What was said?
Along the lines of: Yea Colt McCoy is playing pretty well but their competition has been nobody...and....then spent the rest of the time documenting how crappy our defense is, how Bradford will throw for over 400 on our D, Boom uses some silly formula for grading the D not what he should.....blah, blah.

We know our D needs to continue to improve, but it seems given their whiffs on how great ND would be, and how great USC is, it gets a little old that they can't just commend Colt like they do lot's of other QB's and leave it at that. No, they always have to throw in some dig.
I'm pretty sure he threw his mouthpiece...

feel more sorry for the poor bastard who picked it up right after he threw it. That guys job is teh suck.
You would never, ever see a Longhorn toss an item in disgust after an unexpected loss. That's what makes us so superior.