Poll: Democrat win in Nov bad for Investors

Any idea of the political and economic breakdown of the advisors' clients? If they fear the revocation of the tax break the rich got from Bush, they are probably right to be.
Interesting that that's the San Francisco Federal Reserve Bank...

would those be pre-tax or after-tax returns? cause the only numbers that make a difference is the after tax return.

Stock Market durning Clinton's 8 years

January 4, 1993 3,309
December 29, 2000 10,787

Stock Market durning Bush's 7 years

January 2, 2001 10,646
January 15, 2008 12,580

Who wants to bet that the December 31, 2008 market close will be much higher than now? Odds are it will be lower, maybe a lot.
Won't that be on Bush, as far as a president is responsible for the health of the stock market? (If that is your point, sorry to be so dense.)

Or it could be a free market economy that ebbs and flows depending on what does and what doesn't work.

Also, I guess he didn't have enough on his plate? I'm no Bush lover but you write things like you think he's the smartest person on the planet and he should have seen the subprime mess coming (did you, oh wise one?) yet then constantly point out how stupid and arrogant he is.

It should not be the role of the government to bail out morons. We, as a country, need to take this on the chin and get our spending habits in line. Don't spend more than you make and don't think your wage is a linear line going up to help you rationalize buying something before you can afford it.
I'll also add that the leadership is also lacking on the Democratic side in Congress. Nobody from that bunch really forced the issue on sound fiscal responsibility.
Interesting little visit to the website of the outfit that conducted this poll. A plurality of their respondents might worry about dem damn dems taking over the White House, but their cover text seems to be worried about slowing growth and recession right now:


In reply to:


the "anyone could see this mess coming" is just a silly argument.

a market economy is just what it says. the market set the terms of the loans.

and please, don't give Bill Clinton credit for the stock market climb in the 90's, or any politician for that matter. credit goes to the technological innovations and advances made by the private sector, nothing the govt did assisted in the growth. it is silly to argu otherwise.

and I don't agree taxes go up no matter which party gets the white house.
Looks like the age old pattern of Democrat Presidents being better for the stock market is holding up.
The annualized gain during Trump first term was 11.8%. Obama 12.1%
We know there will be volatility coming. The reasons for the volatility should end up a better ecomony. At least if PDJT knows what he is doing. So far it looks like he does.

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