Bevo Incognito
5,000+ Posts
This is taken from Doonesbury's current marquee scroll. I offer it because these quotes seem to perfectly reflect the level of discourse that our politicians and political commentators have sunk to. And we wonder why our democracy is dysfunctional!
Mark Halperin on the Obama press conference: “I thought he was a dick.”…
Rep. Todd Akin: "At the heart of liberalism, really, is a hatred for God and a belief that government should replace God."....
Ann Coulter: “Liberals are not like most Americans. They are the biggest ******* on Earth, city-bred weaklings who didn't play a sport and have never been in a fight in their entire lives.”….
Rush Limbaugh: “All liberals are burglars. All liberals are thieves. That's what they do. It is who they are.”….
Mike Huckabee on GOP: “We’ve become a party of such fractured purity. It’s all or nothing, now or never. It’s not whether the government functions, it’s whether the government is ideologically pure.”….
Sen. Chuck Schumer on Mitch McConnell: “Willing to tank the economy for the sake of protecting tax breaks for oil companies, yachts, corporate jets.”….
Sen. John Cornyn on Obama: "Blatant demagoguery."....
Sen. Pat Roberts on Obama: "Maybe if he'd just take a valium and calm down."....
Chris Matthews on Glenn Beck: “Pandering to people who don't want to deal with reality.”…
Michelle Bachmann on Obama: “Failing the Hispanic community. He is failing the African-American community. He's failing all of us.”….
Matt Taibbi on Michele Bachmann: “Completely batshit crazy…Grandiose crazy, late-stage Kim Jong-Il crazy."
James Taranto on E.J. Dionne: “Baghdad Bob of the liberal left.”….
Jon Stewart to Chris Wallace: “You’re insane.”….
Mark Halperin on the Obama press conference: “I thought he was a dick.”…
Rep. Todd Akin: "At the heart of liberalism, really, is a hatred for God and a belief that government should replace God."....
Ann Coulter: “Liberals are not like most Americans. They are the biggest ******* on Earth, city-bred weaklings who didn't play a sport and have never been in a fight in their entire lives.”….
Rush Limbaugh: “All liberals are burglars. All liberals are thieves. That's what they do. It is who they are.”….
Mike Huckabee on GOP: “We’ve become a party of such fractured purity. It’s all or nothing, now or never. It’s not whether the government functions, it’s whether the government is ideologically pure.”….
Sen. Chuck Schumer on Mitch McConnell: “Willing to tank the economy for the sake of protecting tax breaks for oil companies, yachts, corporate jets.”….
Sen. John Cornyn on Obama: "Blatant demagoguery."....
Sen. Pat Roberts on Obama: "Maybe if he'd just take a valium and calm down."....
Chris Matthews on Glenn Beck: “Pandering to people who don't want to deal with reality.”…
Michelle Bachmann on Obama: “Failing the Hispanic community. He is failing the African-American community. He's failing all of us.”….
Matt Taibbi on Michele Bachmann: “Completely batshit crazy…Grandiose crazy, late-stage Kim Jong-Il crazy."
James Taranto on E.J. Dionne: “Baghdad Bob of the liberal left.”….
Jon Stewart to Chris Wallace: “You’re insane.”….