Politics today .... Good stuff

Bevo Incognito

5,000+ Posts
This is taken from Doonesbury's current marquee scroll. I offer it because these quotes seem to perfectly reflect the level of discourse that our politicians and political commentators have sunk to. And we wonder why our democracy is dysfunctional!

Mark Halperin on the Obama press conference: “I thought he was a dick.”…

Rep. Todd Akin: "At the heart of liberalism, really, is a hatred for God and a belief that government should replace God."....

Ann Coulter: “Liberals are not like most Americans. They are the biggest ******* on Earth, city-bred weaklings who didn't play a sport and have never been in a fight in their entire lives.”….

Rush Limbaugh: “All liberals are burglars. All liberals are thieves. That's what they do. It is who they are.”….

Mike Huckabee on GOP: “We’ve become a party of such fractured purity. It’s all or nothing, now or never. It’s not whether the government functions, it’s whether the government is ideologically pure.”….

Sen. Chuck Schumer on Mitch McConnell: “Willing to tank the economy for the sake of protecting tax breaks for oil companies, yachts, corporate jets.”….

Sen. John Cornyn on Obama: "Blatant demagoguery."....

Sen. Pat Roberts on Obama: "Maybe if he'd just take a valium and calm down."....

Chris Matthews on Glenn Beck: “Pandering to people who don't want to deal with reality.”…

Michelle Bachmann on Obama: “Failing the Hispanic community. He is failing the African-American community. He's failing all of us.”….

Matt Taibbi on Michele Bachmann: “Completely batshit crazy…Grandiose crazy, late-stage Kim Jong-Il crazy."

James Taranto on E.J. Dionne: “Baghdad Bob of the liberal left.”….

Jon Stewart to Chris Wallace: “You’re insane.”….

Sadly, there are going to be people who reply to this very thread that will quote one or multiple of the quotes you provided and they'll say something to the effect of "well to be fair, he/she is right!!!"

Well, politics has always been a full contact sport. I'll even admit that on some levels having someone who is "a fighter" and "uncompromising" sounds like someone I want representing my interests.

Sadly, we now have a system in which everyone must must pass some purity tests in order to be viable in their party. Can you believe in man-made global warming and openly state that if you are a republican? I don't think so, even if most climate scientist beieve otherwise. Can a Democrat question man-made global warming using the same facts and sources cited by Joe Barton? I think he would be dead in the primary.
can a Dem say he thinks abortion is immoral and should be illegal? Or that it should be left to the states?

Can a Republican say that sometimes tax increases are necessary to get runaway deficits under control?

This is so much like 1860 it is scary.

This time it wont be Fort Sumter that gets blown to pieces, but the economic system.
A lot of those names on the list- but not all, remind me of Jesse Jackson. They need a conflict to stay in business. When both sides of the isle come up with reasonable solutions in the middle- and ignore their extremes- these guys go nuts, and have less bickering to sell to the feeble minded people of their party.

Anyways- back to Jesse- Obama's election was very, very bad for his racism business. As for Coulter and crew- so is bi-partisanship and reason.
Because it's not enough anymore to say "I disagree" or "you're wrong." You might as well have posted a list of comments from this website - including many on this thread including the OP.

How many times has someone been called "crazy" on this board for wanting to privatize social security, for example? You may not like the idea, there are certainly arguments on both sides, but it's not exactly a measure of whether someone's sane or not!

I believe you were the one who said "Anecdotal, intellectually-lazy platitudes are no replacement for thinking" when you didn't get the aswer you wanted on an earlier thread.

BTW I'm sure at some point I've been guilty of this as well and I probably don't always apologize for it when I should.
I'm glad Prodigal is here. Otherwise my post count would be much higher.
Gary Trudeau and Ann Coulter are more similar than different.

And Racism is alive and well. Just listen to a Barack Obama stump speech some time.

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